blob: eca355b9c750bb601954ee17d2fa067f3d22414b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
const Nano = require('..')
const COUCH_URL = 'http://localhost:5984'
const nano = Nano(COUCH_URL)
const nock = require('nock')
const response = {
results: [
db_name: 'firehosetarget',
type: 'updated',
seq: '1678-g1AAAACheJzLYWBgYMpgTmEQTM4vTc5ISXLIyU9OzMnILy7JAUklMiTV____PyuDOQnIi8gFirGnmKQaJhqZY9ODx6Q8FiDJ0ACk_sMNZDGDGGhubJCWmopNaxYASRExkg'
db_name: 'bob',
type: 'created',
seq: '1679-g1AAAACheJzLYWBgYMpgTmEQTM4vTc5ISXLIyU9OzMnILy7JAUklMiTV____PyuDOQnIi8gFirGnmKQaJhqZY9ODx6Q8FiDJ0ACk_sMNZDGHGGhubJCWmopNaxYASTMxkw'
db_name: 'bob',
type: 'updated',
last_seq: '1680-g1AAAACheJzLYWBgYMpgTmEQTM4vTc5ISXLIyU9OzMnILy7JAUklMiTV____PyuDOQnIi8gFirGnmKQaJhqZY9ODx6Q8FiDJ0ACk_sMNZLGAGGhubJCWmopNaxYASVUxlA'
const errResponse = {
error: 'not_found',
reason: 'Database does not exist.'
afterEach(() => {
test('should be able to fetch db updates - GET /_db_updates - nano.updates', async () => {
// mocks
const scope = nock(COUCH_URL)
.reply(200, response)
// test GET /_db_updates
const p = await nano.updates()
test('should be able to fetch db updates with options - GET /_db_updates - nano.updates', async () => {
// mocks
const scope = nock(COUCH_URL)
.reply(200, response)
// test GET /_db_updates
const p = await nano.updates({ timeout: 10000 })
test('should handle 404 - GET /_db_updates - nano.updates', async () => {
// mocks
const scope = nock(COUCH_URL)
.reply(404, errResponse)
// test GET /_db_updates
await expect(nano.db.updates()).rejects.toThrow('Database does not exist.')