Allow setting {buffer, Buffer} socket server option

If `recbuf` is `undefined` then buffer size is set explicitly to the
previous `recbuf` default of 8192.

The recent option `{recbuf, undefined}` to allow sockets to pick up optimal OS
default kernel buffer sizes inadvertently reset Erlang's userland buffer size
to a default value of 1460. This buffer size, due to a longstanding bug in
Erlang http parser, limits the maximum URL line that can be parsed by the
{packet, http} socket option, and so breaks existing code.

For example this shows how recbuf also sets buffer size:

> f(), SockInfo = fun(S) -> inet:getopts(S, [recbuf, buffer]) end, {ok, LS} = gen_tcp:listen(0, [{recbuf, 8192}]), LRes = SockInfo(LS).

Not setting recbuf resets buffer size to 1460:

f(), SockInfo = fun(S) -> inet:getopts(S, [recbuf, buffer]) end, {ok, LS} = gen_tcp:listen(0, []), LRes = SockInfo(LS).

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