Version 0.7.2
index d30433d..8b13789 100644
@@ -1,11 +1 @@
-- Change: Allow wildcards in history functions
-  (Might break backwards compatibility in rare cases where code relies on 
-   the '_' atom as a normal atom, it is now the wildcard pattern)
-- Change: Add caller Pid to history
-  *CAUTION* This will break backwards compatibility for functions that rely
-  on the return value of history/1!
-- New: function num_calls/3+4 that return number of calls made to a MFA spec.
-- New: function called/4 that takes a caller Pid as argument
-- New: function history/2 that takes a caller Pid as argument
-- Change: By default, passthrough now records coverage statistics on original
-  module (disable by using the 'no_passthrough_cover' option).
diff --git a/doc/overview.edoc b/doc/overview.edoc
index d845e61..b04686e 100644
--- a/doc/overview.edoc
+++ b/doc/overview.edoc
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 @author Adam Lindberg <>
 @copyright 2011, Adam Lindberg & Erlang Solutions Ltd
-@version 0.7.1
+@version "0.7.2"
 @title meck, a Mocking Library for Erlang
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2e6648f..d9f5797 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 %% -*- mode: erlang; -*-
 {application, meck,
  [{description, "A mocking framework for Erlang"},
-  {vsn, "0.7.1"},
+  {vsn, "0.7.2"},
   {modules, []},
   {registered, []},
   {applications, [kernel, stdlib]},