blob: 574536e659715bb8f52ace9dab7b9fa857deb948 [file] [log] [blame]
%%% Copyright 2010-2017 Adam Lindberg, 2010-2011 Erlang Solutions Ltd
%%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
%%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%%% limitations under the License.
expect_explicit_values_test() ->
%% When
E = meck_expect:new(blah, [1000, a, {1002, [{<<"b">>, 1003}]}], 2001),
%% Then
V2001 = meck_ret_spec:val(2001),
?assertMatch({V2001, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1000, a, {1002, [{<<"b">>, 1003}]}], E)),
?assertMatch({undefined, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1001, a, {1002, [{<<"b">>, 1003}]}], E)),
?assertMatch({undefined, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1000, b, {1002, [{<<"b">>, 1003}]}], E)),
?assertMatch({undefined, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1000, a, {1003, [{<<"b">>, 1003}]}], E)),
?assertMatch({undefined, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1000, a, {1002, [{<<"c">>, 1003}]}], E)),
?assertMatch({undefined, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1000, a, {1002, [{<<"b">>, 1004}]}], E)).
expect_wildcard_test() ->
%% When
E = meck_expect:new(blah, [1000, '_', {'_', [{'_', 1003}]}], 2001),
%% Then
V2001 = meck_ret_spec:val(2001),
?assertMatch({V2001, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1000, a, {1002, [{<<"b">>, 1003}]}], E)),
?assertMatch({undefined, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1001, a, {1002, [{<<"b">>, 1003}]}], E)),
?assertMatch({V2001, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1000, b, {1002, [{<<"b">>, 1003}]}], E)),
?assertMatch({V2001, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1000, a, {1003, [{<<"b">>, 1003}]}], E)),
?assertMatch({V2001, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1000, a, {1002, [{[1, {2}, 3], 1003}]}], E)),
?assertMatch({undefined, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1000, a, {1002, [{<<"b">>, 1004}]}], E)).
expect_matchers_test() ->
%% Given
Is1003 = meck_matcher:new(fun(X) -> X == 1003 end),
LessThen1004 = meck_matcher:new(fun(X) -> X < 1004 end),
%% When
E = meck_expect:new(blah, [Is1003, LessThen1004], 2001),
%% Then
V2001 = meck_ret_spec:val(2001),
?assertMatch({V2001, _}, meck_expect:fetch_result([1003, 1002], E)),
?assertMatch({V2001, _}, meck_expect:fetch_result([1003, 1003], E)),
?assertMatch({undefined, _}, meck_expect:fetch_result([1003, 1004], E)),
?assertMatch({undefined, _}, meck_expect:fetch_result([1002, 1002], E)).
expect_with_matchers_multiclause_test() ->
%% Given
Is1003 = meck_matcher:new(fun(X) -> X == 1003 end),
LessThen1004 = meck_matcher:new(fun(X) -> X < 1004 end),
%% When
E = meck_expect:new(blah, [{['_', Is1003, 1004], 2001},
{['_', Is1003, LessThen1004], 2002},
{['_', '_', LessThen1004], 2003}]),
%% Then
V2001 = meck_ret_spec:val(2001),
?assertMatch({V2001, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1002, 1003, 1004], E)),
V2002 = meck_ret_spec:val(2002),
?assertMatch({V2002, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1002, 1003, 1003], E)),
V2003 = meck_ret_spec:val(2003),
?assertMatch({V2003, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1002, 1004, 1003], E)),
?assertMatch({undefined, _},
meck_expect:fetch_result([1002, 1003, 1005], E)).
expect_with_matchers_masked_clause_test() ->
%% Given
Is1003 = meck_matcher:new(fun(X) -> X == 1003 end),
LessThen1004 = meck_matcher:new(fun(X) -> X < 1004 end),
%% When
E = meck_expect:new(blah, [{[Is1003, LessThen1004], 2001},
{[Is1003, Is1003], 2002}]),
%% Then
V2001 = meck_ret_spec:val(2001),
?assertMatch({V2001, _}, meck_expect:fetch_result([1003, 1003], E)).
expect_with_arity_test() ->
%% When
E = meck_expect:new(foo, [{2, 2001}]),
%% Then
V2001 = meck_ret_spec:val(2001),
?assertMatch({V2001, _}, meck_expect:fetch_result([1, 2], E)),
?assertMatch({undefined, _}, meck_expect:fetch_result([1, 2, 3], E)).