| %% @copyright 2013-2014, Takeru Ohta <phjgt308@gmail.com> |
| %% |
| %% @private |
| -module(local_sup). |
| |
| -behaviour(supervisor). |
| |
| %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| %% Exported API |
| %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| -export([start_link/0]). |
| |
| -export([start_name_server/1]). |
| -export([stop_name_server/1]). |
| -export([which_name_servers/0]). |
| |
| %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| %% 'supervisor' Callback API |
| %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| -export([init/1]). |
| |
| %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| %% Exported Functions |
| %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| %% @doc Starts root supervisor |
| -spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Reason::term()}. |
| start_link() -> |
| supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []). |
| |
| -spec start_name_server(local:name_server_name()) -> ok | {error, Reason} when |
| Reason :: already_present | {already_started, pid()}. |
| start_name_server(Name) -> |
| Child = local:make_name_server_child_spec(Name), |
| case supervisor:start_child(?MODULE, Child) of |
| {ok, _Pid} -> ok; |
| {error, already_present} -> {error, already_present}; |
| {error, {already_started, Pid}} -> {error, {already_started, Pid}}; |
| Other -> error({unexpected_result, Other}, [Name]) |
| end. |
| |
| -spec stop_name_server(local:name_server_name()) -> ok | {error, Reason} when |
| Reason :: not_found. |
| stop_name_server(Name) -> |
| case supervisor:terminate_child(?MODULE, Name) of |
| {error, not_found} -> {error, not_found}; |
| ok -> ok = supervisor:delete_child(?MODULE, Name) |
| end. |
| |
| -spec which_name_servers() -> [local:name_server_name()]. |
| which_name_servers() -> |
| [Id || {Id, _, _, _} <- supervisor:which_children(?MODULE)]. |
| |
| %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| %% 'supervisor' Callback Functions |
| %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| %% @private |
| init([]) -> |
| {ok, { {one_for_one, 5, 10}, []} }. |