Updated scripts and configuration
10 files changed
tree: b813d301ee3e6599b2dd174b463e0ca351a04986
  1. group_vars/
  2. roles/
  3. tools/
  4. .gitignore
  5. ansible.cfg
  6. ci_agents.yml
  7. production
  8. README.md
  9. requirements.txt

CouchDB Infrastructure Config Management

This repository contains Ansible scripts for managing our VM testing infrastructure.


$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Generating Inventory Listings

Create a ~/.couchdb-infra-cm.cfg file that contains the following options:

api_key = <REDACTED>

The tools/gen-inventory script can then be used to generate our production inventory file:

$ ./tools/gen-inventory > production

Setting up CI workers for Jenkins

Once the a new VM has been added into the production inventory whoever provisioned the VM will need to execute the first Ansible run so that the CouchDB infra group has access (where infra group is defined as the list of GitHub users in roles/common/tasks/main.yml).

$ ansible-playbook -i production ci_agents.yml

Once this playbook finishes the new VM should be configured to be usable as a Jenkins agent.

Configuring Jenkins

Once Ansible has run against a new VM configuring it as an agent in Jenkins is fairly straightforward. You can just copy an existing node's configuration and update the SSH host IP address.