Add IBM donated s390x Z Linux instance to the CI pool

Since used a different username ended up parameterizing that as well.
7 files changed
tree: 48944d5b91036d08623e15036b616e912f6349b7
  1. freebsd/
  2. host_vars/
  3. macos/
  4. roles/
  5. tools/
  6. .asf.yaml
  7. .gitignore
  8. ansible.cfg
  9. bastions.yml
  10. ci_agents.yml
  11. production
  13. requirements.txt
  14. ssh.cfg

CouchDB Infrastructure Config Management

This repository contains Ansible scripts for managing our VM testing infrastructure.


$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

On BigSur Mac may have to do:

$ env LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix openssl@1.1)/lib" CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix openssl@1.1)/include" pip install -r requirements.txt

Provisioning VMs

The basic steps to provisioning a new Jenkins agent node are:

  1. Provision new VM using
  2. Run ./tools/gen-config
  3. Create the agent in Jenkins (copying an existing node is easiest)
  4. Encrypt the Jenkins secret using ansible-vault
  5. Store the new secret in the appropriate host_vars/hostname.yml file
  6. Run ansible-playbook ci_agents.yml

Node names should follow this pattern:




Bastion VMs

There should be a single bastion VM setup for each subnet. We just use the cheapest cx2-2x4 instance for these nodes so that we can jump to the other hosts.

Provisioning a bastion VM is much the same as for a ci_agent though should happen much more rarely. Currently the assumption is that each subnet has exactly one bastion. The ./tools/gen-config script will complain if this assumption is violated so it should be obvious if we get this wrong. It will also complain if we have a subnet that is missing a bastion box.

The steps for provisioning a new bastion box are:

  1. Provision the VM using
  2. Run ./tools/gen-config
  3. Include the generated ssh.cfg in ~/.ssh/config file
  4. Run ansible-playbook bastions.yml

Bastion names should follow this pattern:




Running ./tools/gen-config

Create a ~/.couchdb-infra-cm.cfg file that contains the following options:

api_key = <REDACTED>
api_url =
crn = crn:v1:...
instance_id = 123-abc...

user = linux1
ip_addr = x.y.z.w
arch = s390x
num_cpus = 4
ram = 8

<environment> is a tag used to differentiate multiple environments. It allows fetching instances from more than one IBM Cloud accounts. If api_url is provided, it will be used to fetch VPC instances. By default is uses "". The crn field will be added as a CRN: <crn> header if provided. instance_id is used only by the power environment. (See Power Instances section for more details).

extra.<instancename> can be an extra unmanaged manually added instance which is not discoverable via with an API key.

The tools/gen-config script can then be used to generate our production inventory and ssh.cfg configuration:

$ ./tools/gen-config

This script requires access to the account that hosts the VMs so not everyone will be able to run this script. However this is only important when provisioning new nodes. Modifying ansible scripts and apply changes to existing nodes can be done by any CouchDB PMC member that's been added to the CI nodes via this repository.

Running Ansible Playbooks

$ ansible-playbook bastions.yml
$ ansible-playbook ci_agents.yml

Running Ad Hoc Commands

% ansible -i production ci_agents -a "sudo sv restart jenkins"
% ansible -v -i production ci_agents -a "sudo apt list --upgradable"
% ansible -v -i production ci_agents -a "sudo unattended-upgrade -v"

Useful Commands:

(Assuming the generated ssh.cfg was included in ~/.ssh/config)

If you want to ssh directly to a node, you can do:

$ ssh $hostname


$ ssh couchdb-worker-x86-64-debian-dal-1-01