
Per this issue, we plan to move things in ./docs here to GitHub releases and follow the helm community's guidance on release practices for helm charts.

Migration Path

In order to migrate the old .tgz files, we:

  • Will find the latest commit that modified a .tgz
  • Sanity check that Chart.yaml represents the same version
  • Forego any further file consistency checks (this is best effort)
  • Presume that the git state matches what is in the .tgz at that time
  • Tag and release the given commit to GitHub Releases using chart-releaser

How To

  1. cd docs to move into this directory
  2. Install the chart-releaser binary (only one architecture defined)
cd docs
  1. Build an inventory of what .tgz files exist in the directory
  1. Sanity check that things look appropriate
  1. Run the release dry-run
# ./ {{ owner }}
# i.e.
./ colearendt
  1. Check that things look good, then run the actual release process
# ./ {{ owner }} execute
# (see docs for more info / other args)
# i.e.
./ colearendt execute

NOTE: we have not done anything to sign chart packages here, though chart-releaser supports doing so.