blob: df35b61f9f9eead02824d1fad391b86ffa65899d [file] [log] [blame]
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<body><div id="wrap">
<a href="index.html">Overview</a>
<div id="content">
<div id="interval">
<label>Poll interval:
<input type="range" min="1" max="30" value="5" size="3">
<span class="secs">5</span> second(s)
<table id="status" class="listing" cellspacing="0">
<caption>Active Tasks</caption>
<th>Started on</th>
<th>Last updated on</th>
<tbody class="content"></tbody>
function toTaskDate(timestamp) {
var d = new Date(timestamp * 1000);
var hours = d.getHours(), min = d.getMinutes(), secs = d.getSeconds();
var year = d.getFullYear(), month = d.getMonth() + 1, day = d.getDate();
return String(year) + "-" + (month < 10 ? "0" + month : month) + "-" +
day + " " + (hours < 10 ? "0" + hours : hours) + ":" +
(min < 10 ? "0" + min : min) + ":" + (secs < 10 ? "0" + secs : secs);
var refreshTimeout = null;
$"poll_interval", {defaultValue: 5});
function refresh() {
success: function(tasks) {
$("#status tbody.content").empty();
if (!tasks.length) {
$("<tr class='none'><th colspan='6'>No tasks running</th></tr>")
.appendTo("#status tbody.content");
} else {
$.each(tasks, function(idx, task) {
var status, type, object;
switch (task.type) {
case "database_compaction":
type = "Database compaction";
object = task.database + (task.retry ? " retry" : "");
status = "Copied " + task.changes_done + " of " +
task.total_changes + " changes (" + task.progress + "%)";
case "view_compaction":
type = "View compaction";
object = task.database + ", " + task.design_document;
status = "Progress " + task.progress + "%";
case "indexer":
type = "Indexer";
object = task.database + ", " + task.design_document;
status = "Processed " + task.changes_done + " of " +
task.total_changes + " changes (" + task.progress + "%)";
case "replication":
type = "Replication";
object = task.source + " to " +;
status = "Checkpointed source sequence " +
task.checkpointed_source_seq + ", current source sequence " +
task.source_seq + ", progress " + task.progress + "%";
$("<tr><th></th><td class='object'></td><td class='started'>" +
"</td><td class='updated'></td><td class='pid'></td>" +
"<td class='status'></td></tr>")
.appendTo("#status tbody.content");
refreshTimeout = setTimeout(refresh,
parseInt($("#interval input").val(), 10) * 1000);
function updateInterval(value) {
if (isNaN(value)) {
value = 5;
$("#interval input").val(value);
$("#interval .secs").text(value);
$"poll_interval", value);
$(function() {
var slider = $("#interval input");
if (slider[0].type == "range") {
slider.bind("input", function() {
$("#interval .secs").text($("#interval input").val());
} else {
slider.bind("change", function() {
$("#interval .secs").hide();