blob: d206dc45d43480be9eae94755d9d351b4c2ae6da [file] [log] [blame]
%%% Copyright 2012, Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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%%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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%%% File: folsom_metrics_spiral.erl
%%% @author Russell Brown <>
%%% @doc A total count, and sliding window count of events over the last
%%% minute.
%%% @end
%% size of the window in seconds
-define(WINDOW, 60).
-define(WIDTH, 16). %% Keep this a power of two
new(Name) ->
Spiral = #spiral{},
Pid = folsom_sample_slide_sup:start_slide_server(?MODULE,
[{{count, N}, 0} || N <- lists:seq(0,?WIDTH-1)]),
ets:insert(?SPIRAL_TABLE, {Name, Spiral#spiral{server=Pid}}).
update(Name, Value) ->
#spiral{tid=Tid} = get_value(Name),
Moment = folsom_utils:now_epoch(),
X = erlang:system_info(scheduler_id),
Rnd = X band (?WIDTH-1),
folsom_utils:update_counter(Tid, {Moment, Rnd}, Value),
ets:update_counter(Tid, {count, Rnd}, Value).
get_value(Name) ->
[{Name, Spiral}] = ets:lookup(?SPIRAL_TABLE, Name),
trim(Tid, _Window) ->
Oldest = oldest(),
ets:select_delete(Tid, [{{{'$1','_'},'_'}, [{is_integer, '$1'}, {'<', '$1', Oldest}], ['true']}]).
get_values(Name) ->
Oldest = oldest(),
#spiral{tid=Tid} = get_value(Name),
Count = lists:sum(ets:select(Tid, [{{{count,'_'},'$1'},[],['$1']}])),
One = lists:sum(ets:select(Tid, [{{{'$1','_'},'$2'},[{is_integer, '$1'}, {'>=', '$1', Oldest}],['$2']}])),
[{count, Count}, {one, One}].
oldest() ->
folsom_utils:now_epoch() - ?WINDOW.