blob: f5baf5691003580e5dfa65343db54cad69ffd98d [file] [log] [blame]
"en_US": {
"mango-descripton": "Mango is an easy way to find documents on predefined indexes.",
"new-mango-index": "Mango Indexes",
"mango-help-title": "Mango",
"run-query-with-mango": "Run A Query with Mango",
"mango-title-editor": "Mango Query",
"mango-descripton-index-editor": "Mango is an easy way to find documents on predefined indexes. <br/><br/>Create an Index to query it afterwards. The example in the editor shows how to create an index for the field '_id'. <br/><br/>The Indexes that you already created are listed on the right.",
"mango-additional-indexes-heading": "Your additional Indexes:",
"mango-indexeditor-title": "Mango",
"couchdb-productname": "Apache CouchDB",
"cors-disable-cors-prompt": "Are you sure? Disabling CORS will overwrite your specific origin domains.",
"cors-notice": "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) lets you connect to remote servers directly from the browser, so you can host browser-based apps on static pages and talk directly with CouchDB to load your data.",
"replication-password-modal-header": "Enter Account Password.",
"replication-password-modal-text": "Replication requires authentication on your credentials.",
"auth-missing-credentials": "Username or password cannot be blank.",
"auth-logged-in": "You have been logged in.",
"auth-admin-created": "CouchDB admin created",
"auth-change-password": "Your password has been updated.",
"auth-admin-creation-failed-prefix": "Could not create admin.",
"auth-passwords-not-matching": "Passwords do not match."