blob: 141f11ab568f823bda6690996235c1e0012f6f8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
import app from "../../app";
import FauxtonAPI from "../../core/api";
import Documents from "./shared-resources";
import PaginationActions from "./pagination/actions";
import IndexResultStores from "./index-results/stores";
import SidebarActions from "./sidebar/actions";
import QueryActions from './queryoptions/actions';
// The Documents section is built up a lot of different route object which share code. This contains
// base functionality that can be used across routes / addons
var BaseRoute = FauxtonAPI.RouteObject.extend({
selectedHeader: 'Databases',
createDesignDocsCollection: function () {
this.designDocs = new Documents.AllDocs(null, {
database: this.database,
paging: {
pageSize: 500
params: {
startkey: '_design/',
endkey: '_design0',
include_docs: true,
limit: 500
showQueryOptions: function (urlParams, ddoc, viewName) {
var promise = this.designDocs.fetch({reset: true}),
promise.then(() => {
var design = _.findWhere(this.designDocs.models, {id: '_design/' + ddoc});
!_.isUndefined(hasReduceFunction = design.attributes.doc.views[viewName].reduce);
queryParams: urlParams,
hasReduce: hasReduceFunction,
showReduce: !_.isUndefined(hasReduceFunction),
viewName: viewName,
ddocName: ddoc
addSidebar: function (selectedNavItem) {
var options = {
designDocs: this.designDocs,
database: this.database
if (selectedNavItem) {
options.selectedNavItem = selectedNavItem;
getCrumbs: function (database) {
return [
{ "type": "back", "link": FauxtonAPI.urls('allDBs', 'app')},
{ "name": }
createParams: function (options) {
var urlParams = app.getParams(options),
params = Documents.QueryParams.parse(urlParams);
PaginationActions.setDocumentLimit(parseInt(urlParams.limit, 10));
var limit = IndexResultStores.indexResultsStore.getPerPage();
return {
urlParams: urlParams,
docParams: _.extend(params, {limit: limit})
export default BaseRoute;