blob: 5349e16fc66deea0936dee498090111fd7c06d42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
import app from "../../app";
import FauxtonAPI from "../../core/api";
import Documents from "./shared-resources";
import PagingCollection from "../../../assets/js/plugins/cloudant.pagingcollection";
Documents.UUID = FauxtonAPI.Model.extend({
initialize: function (options) {
options = _.extend({count: 1}, options);
this.count = options.count;
url: function () {
return + "/_uuids?count=" + this.count;
next: function () {
return this.get("uuids").pop();
Documents.QueryParams = (function () {
var _eachParams = function (params, action) {
// clone to avoid in-place modification
var result = _.clone(params);
_.each(['startkey', 'endkey', 'key'], function (key) {
if (_.has(result, key)) {
result[key] = action(result[key]);
return result;
return {
parse: function (params) {
return _eachParams(params, JSON.parse);
stringify: function (params) {
return _eachParams(params, JSON.stringify);
Documents.DdocInfo = FauxtonAPI.Model.extend({
idAttribute: "_id",
documentation: function () {
return FauxtonAPI.constants.DOC_URLS.GENERAL;
initialize: function (_attrs, options) {
this.database = options.database;
url: function (context) {
if (!context) {
context = 'server';
return FauxtonAPI.urls('designDocs', context, this.database.safeID(), this.safeID());
// Need this to work around backbone router thinking _design/foo
// is a separate route. Alternatively, maybe these should be
// treated separately. For instance, we could default into the
// json editor for docs, or into a ddoc specific page.
safeID: function () {
var ddoc =^_design\//, "");
return "_design/" + app.utils.safeURLName(ddoc);
Documents.MangoIndex = Documents.Doc.extend({
idAttribute: 'ddoc',
getId: function () {
if ( {
return '_all_docs';
isNew: function () {
// never use put
return true;
// @deprecated, see isJSONDocBulkDeletable
isDeletable: function () {
return this.get('type') !== 'special';
// @deprecated, see isJSONDocBulkDeletable
isBulkDeletable: function () {
return this.isDeletable();
isFromView: function () {
return false;
url: function () {
var database = this.database.safeID();
return FauxtonAPI.urls('mango', 'index-server', database);
Documents.MangoIndexCollection = PagingCollection.extend({
model: Documents.MangoIndex,
initialize: function (_attr, options) {
var defaultLimit = FauxtonAPI.constants.MISC.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
this.database = options.database;
this.params = _.extend({limit: defaultLimit}, options.params);
collectionType: 'MangoIndex',
url: function () {
return this.urlRef.apply(this, arguments);
updateSeq: function () {
return false;
//@deprecated, see isJSONDocEditable
isEditable: function () {
return false;
parse: function (res) {
return res.indexes;
urlRef: function (context) {
var database = this.database.safeID(),
query = '';
if (!context) {
context = 'index-server';
return FauxtonAPI.urls('mango', context, database, query);
Documents.MangoDoc = Documents.Doc.extend({
isMangoDoc: function () {
return true;
Documents.MangoDocumentCollection = PagingCollection.extend({
model: Documents.MangoDoc,
collectionType: 'MangoDocumentCollection',
initialize: function (_attr, options) {
var defaultLimit = FauxtonAPI.constants.MISC.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
this.database = options.database;
this.params = _.extend({limit: defaultLimit}, options.params);
this.paging = _.defaults((options.paging || {}), {
defaultParams: _.defaults({}, options.params),
hasNext: false,
hasPrevious: false,
params: {},
pageSize: FauxtonAPI.constants.MISC.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE,
direction: undefined
this.paging.params = _.clone(this.paging.defaultParams);
url: function () {
return this.urlRef.apply(this, arguments);
updateSeq: function () {
return false;
isEditable: function () {
return true;
setQuery: function (query) {
this.query = query;
return this;
pageSizeReset: function (pageSize, opts) {
var options = _.defaults((opts || {}), {fetch: true});
this.paging.direction = undefined;
this.paging.pageSize = pageSize;
this.paging.params = this.paging.defaultParams;
this.paging.params.limit = pageSize;
if (options.fetch) {
return this.fetch();
_iterate: function (offset) {
this.paging.params = this.calculateParams(this.paging.params, offset, this.paging.pageSize);
return this.fetch();
getPaginatedQuery: function () {
var paginatedQuery = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.query));
if (!this.paging.direction && this.paging.params.limit > 0) {
this.paging.direction = 'fetch';
this.paging.params.limit = this.paging.params.limit + 1;
// just update if NOT provided by editor
if (!paginatedQuery.limit) {
paginatedQuery.limit = this.paging.params.limit;
if (!paginatedQuery.skip) {
paginatedQuery.skip = this.paging.params.skip;
return paginatedQuery;
fetch: function () {
var url = this.urlRef(),
promise = FauxtonAPI.Deferred(),
query = this.getPaginatedQuery();
type: 'POST',
url: url,
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json',
data: JSON.stringify(query),
.then(function (res) {
this.handleResponse(res, promise);
.fail(function (res) {
return promise;
parse: function (resp) {
var rows =;
this.paging.hasNext = this.paging.hasPrevious = false;
this.viewMeta = {
total_rows: resp.total_rows,
offset: resp.offset,
update_seq: resp.update_seq
var skipLimit = this.paging.defaultParams.skip || 0;
if (this.paging.params.skip > skipLimit) {
this.paging.hasPrevious = true;
if (rows.length === this.paging.pageSize + 1) {
this.paging.hasNext = true;
// remove the next page marker result
this.viewMeta.total_rows = this.viewMeta.total_rows - 1;
return rows;
handleResponse: function (res, promise) {
var models = this.parse(res);
urlRef: function (context) {
var database = this.database.safeID(),
query = '';
if (!context) {
context = 'query-server';
return FauxtonAPI.urls('mango', context, database, query);
Documents.NewDoc = Documents.Doc.extend({
fetch: function () {
var uuid = new Documents.UUID();
var deferred = this.deferred = $.Deferred();
var that = this;
uuid.fetch().done(function () {
return deferred.promise();
Documents.BulkDeleteDoc = FauxtonAPI.Model.extend({
idAttribute: "_id"
Documents.BulkDeleteDocCollection = FauxtonAPI.Collection.extend({
model: Documents.BulkDeleteDoc,
sync: function () {
initialize: function (models, options) {
this.databaseId = options.databaseId;
url: function () {
return FauxtonAPI.urls('bulk_docs', 'server', this.databaseId, '');
bulkDelete: function () {
var payload = this.createPayload(this.toJSON()),
promise = FauxtonAPI.Deferred(),
that = this;
type: 'POST',
url: this.url(),
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json',
data: JSON.stringify(payload),
.then(function (res) {
that.handleResponse(res, promise);
.fail(function () {
var ids = _.reduce(that.toArray(), function (acc, doc) {
return acc;
}, []);
that.trigger('error', ids);
return promise;
handleResponse: function (res, promise) {
var ids = _.reduce(res, function (ids, doc) {
if (doc.error) {
if (!doc.error) {
return ids;
}, {errorIds: [], successIds: []});
if (ids.errorIds.length) {
this.trigger('error', ids.errorIds);
// This is kind of tricky. If there are no documents deleted then rejects
// otherwise resolve with list of successful and failed documents
if (!_.isEmpty(ids.successIds)) {
} else {
removeDocuments: function (ids) {
_.each(ids, function (id) {
}, this);
this.trigger('removed', ids);
createPayload: function (documents) {
var documentList = documents;
return {
docs: documentList
Documents.MangoBulkDeleteDocCollection = Documents.BulkDeleteDocCollection.extend({
url: function () {
return + '/' + this.databaseId + '/_index/_bulk_delete';
createPayload: function (documents) {
var documentList = documents
.filter(function (doc) {
return doc._id !== '_all_docs';
.map(function (doc) {
return doc._id;
return {
docids: documentList
Documents.IndexCollection = PagingCollection.extend({
model: Documents.Doc,
documentation: function () {
return FauxtonAPI.constants.DOC_URLS.GENERAL;
initialize: function (_models, options) {
this.database = options.database;
this.params = _.extend({limit: 20, reduce: false}, options.params);
this.idxType = "_view";
this.view = options.view; ='_design/', '');
this.perPageLimit = options.perPageLimit || 20;
if (!this.params.limit) {
this.params.limit = this.perPageLimit;
isEditable: function () {
return !this.params.reduce;
urlRef: function (context, params) {
var query = "";
if (params) {
if (!_.isEmpty(params)) {
query = $.param(params);
} else {
query = '';
} else if (this.params) {
var parsedParam = Documents.QueryParams.stringify(this.params);
query = $.param(parsedParam);
if (!context) {
context = 'server';
var database = this.database.safeID(),
design = app.utils.safeURLName(,
view = app.utils.safeURLName(this.view),
url = FauxtonAPI.urls('view', context, database, design, view);
return (url.indexOf("?") > -1) ? `${url}&${query}` : `${url}?${query}`;
url: function () {
return this.urlRef.apply(this, arguments);
totalRows: function () {
if (this.params.reduce) { return "unknown_reduce";}
return this.viewMeta.total_rows || "unknown";
updateSeq: function () {
if (!this.viewMeta) {
return false;
return this.viewMeta.update_seq || false;
simple: function () {
var docs = (item) {
return {
key: item.get('key'),
value: item.get('value')
return new Documents.IndexCollection(docs, {
database: this.database,
params: this.params,
view: this.view,
parse: function () {
this.endTime = new Date().getTime();
this.requestDuration = (this.endTime - this.startTime);
return PagingCollection.prototype.parse.apply(this, arguments);
buildAllDocs: function () {
// We implement our own fetch to store the starttime so we that
// we can get the request duration
fetch: function () {
this.startTime = new Date().getTime();
allDocs: function () {
return this.models;
// This is taken from futon.browse.js $.timeString
requestDurationInString: function () {
var ms, sec, min, h, timeString, milliseconds = this.requestDuration;
sec = Math.floor(milliseconds / 1000.0);
min = Math.floor(sec / 60.0);
sec = (sec % 60.0).toString();
if (sec.length < 2) {
sec = "0" + sec;
h = (Math.floor(min / 60.0)).toString();
if (h.length < 2) {
h = "0" + h;
min = (min % 60.0).toString();
if (min.length < 2) {
min = "0" + min;
timeString = h + ":" + min + ":" + sec;
ms = (milliseconds % 1000.0).toString();
while (ms.length < 3) {
ms = "0" + ms;
timeString += "." + ms;
return timeString;
export default Documents;