blob: e7c408acdd909835abc1700ec9507352a4a78056 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
// This is the main application configuration file. It is a Grunt
// configuration file, which you can learn more about here:
/*jslint node: true */
"use strict";
module.exports = function (grunt) {
var helper = require('./tasks/helper.js'),
initHelper = helper.init(grunt),
_ = grunt.util._,
fs = require('fs');
var couch_config = function () {
var default_couch_config = {
fauxton: {
db: helper.couch + 'fauxton',
app: './couchapp.js',
options: {
okay_if_missing: true
var settings_couch_config = initHelper.readSettingsFile().couch_config;
return settings_couch_config || default_couch_config;
var cleanableAddons = function () {
var theListToClean = [];
initHelper.processAddons(function (addon) {
// Only clean addons that are included from a local dir
if (addon.path) {
theListToClean.push("app/addons/" +;
return theListToClean;
var cleanable = function () {
// Whitelist files and directories to be cleaned
// You'll always want to clean these two directories
// Now find the external addons you have and add them for cleaning up
return _.union(["dist/", "app/load_addons.js"], cleanableAddons);
var assets = function () {
// Base assets
var theAssets = {
paths: ["assets/less"],
files: {
"dist/debug/css/fauxton.css": "assets/less/fauxton.less"
fonts: ["assets/fonts/*.eot", "assets/fonts/*.svg", "assets/fonts/*.ttf", "assets/fonts/*.woff"],
img: ["assets/img/**"],
// used in concat:index_css to keep file ordering intact
// fauxton.css should load first
css: ["assets/css/*.css", "dist/debug/css/fauxton.css"]
initHelper.processAddons(function (addon) {
// Less files from addons
var root = addon.path || "app/addons/" +;
var lessPath = root + "/assets/less";
if (fs.existsSync(lessPath)) {
// .less files exist for this addon
theAssets.less.files["dist/debug/css/" + + ".css"] =
lessPath + "/" + + ".less";
theAssets.css.push("dist/debug/css/" + + ".css");
// Images
root = addon.path || "app/addons/" +;
var imgPath = root + "/assets/img";
if (fs.existsSync(imgPath)) {
theAssets.img.push(imgPath + "/**");
var fontsPath = root + "/assets/fonts";
if (fs.existsSync(fontsPath)) {
theAssets.fonts.push(fontsPath + "/**");
return theAssets;
var templateSettings = function () {
var defaultSettings = {
"development": {
"src": "assets/index.underscore",
"dest": "dist/debug/index.html",
"variables": {
"requirejs": "/assets/js/libs/require.js",
"css": "./css/index.css",
"base": null
"release": {
"src": "assets/index.underscore",
"dest": "dist/debug/index.html",
"variables": {
"requirejs": "./js/{REQUIREJS_FILE}",
"css": "./css/{CSS_FILE}",
"base": null
var settings = initHelper.readSettingsFile();
var i18n = JSON.stringify(initHelper.readI18nFile(), null, ' ');
Object.keys(settings.template).forEach(function (key) {
settings.template[key].app.i18n = i18n;
return settings.template || defaultSettings;
var couchserver_config = function () {
// add a "couchserver" key to settings.json with JSON that matches the
// keys and values below (plus your customizations) to have Fauxton work
// against a remote CouchDB-compatible server.
var defaults = {
dist: './dist/debug/',
port: helper.devServerPort,
proxy: {
target: helper.couch
return initHelper.readSettingsFile().couchserver || defaults;
var config = {
// The clean task ensures all files are removed from the dist/ directory so
// that no files linger from previous builds.
clean: {
release: cleanable,
watch: cleanableAddons
less: {
compile: {
options: {
paths: assets.less.paths
files: assets.less.files
jshint: {
all: ['app/**/*.js', 'Gruntfile.js', "!app/**/assets/js/*.js", "!app/**/*.jsx"],
options: {
jshintrc: '.jshintrc'
// The jst task compiles all application templates into JavaScript
// functions with the underscore.js template function from 1.2.4. You can
// change the namespace and the template options, by reading this:
// The concat task depends on this file to exist, so if you decide to
// remove this, ensure concat is updated accordingly.
jst: {
compile: {
options: {
processContent: function (src) {
return src.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/gm, '');
files: {
"dist/debug/templates.js": [
template: templateSettings,
// The concatenate task is used here to merge the almond require/define
// shim and the templates into the application code. It's named
// dist/debug/require.js, because we want to only load one script file in
// index.html.
concat: {
requirejs: {
src: [ "assets/js/libs/require.js", "dist/debug/templates.js", "dist/debug/require.js"],
dest: "dist/debug/js/require.js"
index_css: {
src: assets.css,
dest: 'dist/debug/css/index.css'
test_config_js: {
src: ["dist/debug/templates.js", "test/test.config.js"],
dest: 'test/test.config.js'
cssmin: {
compress: {
files: {
"dist/release/css/index.css": [
options: {
report: 'min'
uglify: {
release: {
files: {
"dist/release/js/require.js": [
// Runs a proxy server for easier development, no need to keep deploying to couchdb
couchserver: couchserver_config,
watch: {
js: {
files: initHelper.watchFiles(['.js'], ["./app/**/*.js", '!./app/load_addons.js', "./assets/**/*.js", "./test/**/*.js"]),
tasks: ['watchRun'],
jsx: {
files: initHelper.watchFiles(['.jsx'], ["./app/**/*.jsx", '!./app/load_addons.jsx', "./assets/**/*.jsx", "./test/**/*.jsx"]),
tasks: ['watchRun'],
style: {
files: initHelper.watchFiles(['.less', '.css'], ["./app/**/*.css", "./app/**/*.less", "./assets/**/*.css", "./assets/**/*.less"]),
tasks: ['clean:watch', 'dependencies', 'less', 'concat:index_css'],
html: {
// the index.html is added in as a dummy file incase there is no
// html dependancies this will break. So we need one include pattern
files: initHelper.watchFiles(['.html'], ['./index.html']),
tasks: ['clean:watch', 'dependencies']
options: {
nospawn: true,
debounceDelay: 500
requirejs: {
compile: {
options: {
baseUrl: 'app',
// Include the main configuration file.
mainConfigFile: "app/config.js",
// Output file.
out: "dist/debug/require.js",
// Root application module.
name: "config",
// Do not wrap everything in an IIFE.
wrap: false,
optimize: "none",
findNestedDependencies: true
// Copy build artifacts and library code into the distribution
// see -
copy: {
couchdb: {
files: [
// this gets built in the template task
{src: "dist/release/index.html", dest: "../../share/www/index.html"},
{src: ["**"], dest: "../../share/www/js/", cwd:'dist/release/js/', expand: true},
{src: ["**"], dest: "../../share/www/img/", cwd:'dist/release/img/', expand: true},
{src: ["**"], dest: "../../share/www/fonts/", cwd:'dist/release/fonts/', expand: true},
{src: ["**"], dest: "../../share/www/css/", cwd:"dist/release/css/", expand: true}
couchdebug: {
files: [
// this gets built in the template task
{src: "dist/debug/index.html", dest: "../../share/www/index.html"},
{src: ["**"], dest: "../../share/www/js/", cwd:"dist/debug/js/", expand: true},
{src: ["**"], dest: "../../share/www/img/", cwd:"dist/debug/img/", expand: true},
{src: ["**"], dest: "../../share/www/fonts/", cwd:"dist/debug/fonts/", expand: true},
{src: ["**"], dest: "../../share/www/css/", cwd:"dist/debug/css/", expand: true}
ace: {
files: [
{src: "assets/js/libs/ace/worker-json.js", dest: "dist/release/js/ace/worker-json.js"},
{src: "assets/js/libs/ace/mode-json.js", dest: "dist/release/js/ace/mode-json.js"},
{src: "assets/js/libs/ace/theme-idle_fingers.js", dest: "dist/release/js/ace/theme-idle_fingers.js"},
{src: "assets/js/libs/ace/mode-javascript.js", dest: "dist/release/js/ace/mode-javascript.js"},
{src: "assets/js/libs/ace/worker-javascript.js", dest: "dist/release/js/ace/worker-javascript.js"},
zeroclip: {
files: [
{src: "assets/js/plugins/zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard.swf", dest: "dist/release/js/zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard.swf"},
{src: 'dist/debug/index.html', dest: 'dist/release/index.html'},
{src: assets.img, dest: 'dist/release/img/', flatten: true, expand: true},
{src: assets.fonts, dest: 'dist/release/fonts/', flatten: true, expand: true},
{src: './favicon.ico', dest: "dist/release/favicon.ico"}
{src: assets.fonts, dest: "dist/debug/fonts/", flatten: true, expand: true},
{src: assets.img, dest: "dist/debug/img/", flatten: true, expand: true},
{src: './favicon.ico', dest: "dist/debug/favicon.ico"}
get_deps: {
"default": {
src: "settings.json"
gen_load_addons: {
"default": {
src: "settings.json"
gen_initialize: templateSettings,
mkcouchdb: couch_config,
rmcouchdb: couch_config,
couchapp: couch_config,
mochaSetup: {
default: {
files: {
src: initHelper.watchFiles(['[Ss]pec.js'], ['./app/addons/**/*[Ss]pec.js', './app/addons/**/*[Ss]pec.react.js', './app/core/**/*[Ss]pec.js', './app/**/*[Ss]pec.js'])
template: 'test/test.config.underscore',
config: './app/config.js'
mocha_phantomjs: {
all: ['test/runner.html']
shell: {
'build-jsx': {
command: 'node ./node_modules/react-tools/bin/jsx -x jsx app/addons/ app/addons/',
stdout: true,
failOnError: true
'stylecheck': {
command: 'npm run stylecheck',
exec: {
check_selenium: initHelper.check_selenium,
start_nightWatch: {
command: __dirname + '/node_modules/nightwatch/bin/nightwatch' +
' -c ' + __dirname + '/test/nightwatch_tests/nightwatch.json'
// generates the nightwatch.json file with appropriate content for this env
initNightwatch: {
default: {
settings: initHelper.readSettingsFile(),
template: 'test/nightwatch_tests/nightwatch.json.underscore',
dest: 'test/nightwatch_tests/nightwatch.json'
// these rename the already-bundled, minified requireJS and CSS files to include their hash
md5: {
requireJS: {
files: { "dist/release/js/" : "dist/release/js/require.js" },
options: {
afterEach: function (fileChanges) {
// replace the REQUIREJS_FILE placeholder with the actual filename
var newFilename = fileChanges.newPath.match(/[^\/]+$/)[0];
config.template.release.variables.requirejs = config.template.release.variables.requirejs.replace(/REQUIREJS_FILE/, newFilename);
// remove the original requireJS file, we don't need it anymore
css: {
files: { "dist/release/css/": 'dist/release/css/index.css' },
options: {
afterEach: function (fileChanges) {
// replace the CSS_FILE placeholder with the actual filename
var newFilename = fileChanges.newPath.match(/[^\/]+$/)[0];
config.template.release.variables.css = config.template.release.variables.css.replace(/CSS_FILE/, newFilename);
// remove the original CSS file
// on watch events configure jshint:all to only run on changed file
grunt.event.on('watch', function (action, filepath) {
if (!!filepath.match(/.js$/) && filepath.indexOf('test.config.js') === -1) {
grunt.config(['jshint', 'all'], filepath);
if (!!filepath.match(/.jsx$/)) {['jsx']);
* Load Grunt plugins
// Load fauxton specific tasks
* Default task
// defult task - install minified app to local CouchDB
grunt.registerTask('default', 'couchdb');
* Transformation tasks
// clean out previous build artifacts and lint
grunt.registerTask('lint', ['clean', 'jshint']);
grunt.registerTask('test', ['clean:release', 'dependencies', 'jsx', 'jshint', 'shell:stylecheck', 'gen_initialize:development', 'test_inline']);
// lighter weight test task for use inside dev/watch
grunt.registerTask('test_inline', ['mochaSetup', 'jst', 'concat:test_config_js', 'mocha_phantomjs']);
// Fetch dependencies (from git or local dir), lint them and make load_addons
grunt.registerTask('dependencies', ['get_deps', 'gen_load_addons:default']);
// minify code and css, ready for release.
grunt.registerTask('minify', ['uglify', 'cssmin:compress']);
grunt.registerTask('jsx', ['shell:build-jsx']);
grunt.registerTask('build', ['less', 'concat:index_css', 'jst', 'requirejs', 'concat:requirejs', 'uglify',
'cssmin:compress', 'md5:requireJS', 'md5:css', 'template:release']);
* Build the app in either dev, debug, or release mode
// dev server
grunt.registerTask('dev', ['debugDev', 'couchserver']);
// build a debug release
grunt.registerTask('debug', ['lint', 'dependencies', "gen_initialize:development", 'jsx', 'concat:requirejs', 'less', 'concat:index_css', 'template:development', 'copy:debug']);
grunt.registerTask('debugDev', ['clean', 'dependencies', "gen_initialize:development", 'jsx', 'jshint', 'shell:stylecheck', 'less', 'concat:index_css', 'template:development', 'copy:debug']);
grunt.registerTask('watchRun', ['clean:watch', 'dependencies', 'jshint', 'shell:stylecheck']);
// build a release
grunt.registerTask('release_commons_prefix', ['clean', 'dependencies']);
grunt.registerTask('release_commons_suffix', ['jshint', 'shell:build-jsx', 'build', 'copy:dist', 'copy:ace', 'copy:zeroclip']);
grunt.registerTask('release', ['release_commons_prefix', 'gen_initialize:release', 'release_commons_suffix']);
grunt.registerTask('couchapp_release', ['release_commons_prefix', 'gen_initialize:couchapp', 'release_commons_suffix']);
* Install into CouchDB in either debug, release, or couchapp mode
// make a development install that is server by mochiweb under _utils
grunt.registerTask('couchdebug', ['debug', 'copy:couchdebug']);
// make a minimized install that is server by mochiweb under _utils
grunt.registerTask('couchdb', ['release', 'copy:couchdb']);
// make an install that can be deployed as a couchapp
grunt.registerTask('couchapp_setup', ['couchapp_release']);
// install fauxton as couchapp
grunt.registerTask('couchapp_install', ['rmcouchdb:fauxton', 'mkcouchdb:fauxton', 'couchapp:fauxton']);
// setup and install fauxton as couchapp
grunt.registerTask('couchapp_deploy', ['couchapp_setup', 'couchapp_install']);
* Nightwatch functional testing
//Start Nightwatch test from terminal, using: $ grunt nightwatch
grunt.registerTask('nightwatch', [ 'exec:check_selenium', 'initNightwatch', 'exec:start_nightWatch']);