blob: 2aa5f8eda1750b14ccf4c4da59cd0ec18d4dc1e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
import Backbone from "backbone";
import _ from "lodash";
var FauxtonAPI = {
//add default objects
router: {
navigate: function () {}
masterLayout: {},
// I haven't wrapped these dispatch methods in a action
// because I don't want to require fauxton/actions in this method.
addHeaderLink: function (link) {
link: link
showHeaderLinkBadge: function (link) {
link: link
hideHeaderLinkBadge: function (link) {
link: link
addNotification: function (options) {
options = _.extend({
msg: 'Notification Event Triggered!',
type: 'info',
escape: true,
clear: false
}, options);
options: {
info: options
config: function (options) {
return _.extend(this, options);
FauxtonAPI.Deferred = function () {
return $.Deferred();
FauxtonAPI.when = function (deferreds) {
if (deferreds instanceof Array) {
return $.when.apply(null, deferreds);
return $.when(deferreds);
FauxtonAPI.addonExtensions = {
initialize: function () {},
RouteObjects: {},
Views: {}
FauxtonAPI.addon = function (extra) {
return _.extend(_.clone(FauxtonAPI.addonExtensions), extra);
FauxtonAPI.View = Backbone.View.extend({
// This should return an array of promises, an empty array, or null
establish: function () {
return null;
loaderClassname: 'loader',
manage: true,
forceRender: function () {
this.hasRendered = false;
var caching = {
fetchOnce: function (opt) {
var options = _.extend({}, opt);
if (!this._deferred || this._deferred.state() === "rejected" || options.forceFetch) {
this._deferred = this.fetch();
return this._deferred;
FauxtonAPI.Model = Backbone.Model.extend({ });
FauxtonAPI.Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ });
_.each([FauxtonAPI.Model, FauxtonAPI.Collection], function (ctor) {
_.extend(ctor.prototype, caching);
var extensions = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);
// Can look at a remove function later.
FauxtonAPI.registerExtension = function (name, view) {
if (!extensions[name]) {
extensions[name] = [];
extensions.trigger('add:' + name, view);
FauxtonAPI.unRegisterExtension = function (name) {
var views = extensions[name];
if (!views) { return; }
extensions.trigger('remove:' + name, views);
delete extensions[name];
FauxtonAPI.getExtensions = function (name) {
var views = extensions[name];
if (!views) {
views = [];
return views;
FauxtonAPI.removeExtensionItem = function (name, view, cb) {
var views = extensions[name];
if (!views) { return; }
var _cb = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
if (_.isObject(view) && !cb) {
_cb = function (item) { return _.isEqual(item, view);};
views = _.filter(views, function (item) {
return !_cb(item);
extensions[name] = views;
extensions.trigger('removeItem:' + name, view);
FauxtonAPI.extensions = extensions;
FauxtonAPI.setSession = function (newSession) {
FauxtonAPI.session = newSession;
FauxtonAPI.reducers = {};
FauxtonAPI.addReducers = (reducers) => {
FauxtonAPI.reducers = {
FauxtonAPI.middlewares = [];
FauxtonAPI.addMiddleware = (middleware) => {
// Basic validation
if (middleware && typeof middleware === 'function') {
export default FauxtonAPI;