blob: 81e6e00c6059d705466a650fed03b205c5950acf [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
function (app, FauxtonAPI, Helpers, Documents, Databases, Actions, ReactComponents) {
var DocEditorRouteObject = FauxtonAPI.RouteObject.extend({
layout: 'doc_editor',
disableLoader: true,
selectedHeader: 'Databases',
roles: ['fx_loggedIn'],
initialize: function (route, masterLayout, options) {
this.databaseName = options[0];
this.docID = options[1] || 'new';
this.database = this.database || new Databases.Model({ id: this.databaseName });
this.doc = new Documents.Doc({ _id: this.docID }, { database: this.database });
this.isNewDoc = false;
this.wasCloned = false;
routes: {
'database/:database/:doc/code_editor': 'codeEditor',
'database/:database/:doc': 'codeEditor',
'database/:database/_design/:ddoc': 'showDesignDoc'
events: {
'route:duplicateDoc': 'duplicateDoc'
crumbs: function () {
var previousPage = Helpers.getPreviousPageForDoc(this.database, this.wasCloned);
return [
{ type: 'back', link: previousPage },
{ name: this.docID, link: '#' }
codeEditor: function (database, doc) {
// if either the database or document just changed, we need to get the latest doc/db info
if (this.databaseName !== database) {
this.databaseName = database;
this.database = new Databases.Model({ id: this.databaseName });
if (this.docID !== doc) {
this.docID = doc;
this.doc = new Documents.Doc({ _id: this.docID }, { database: this.database });
Actions.initDocEditor({ doc: this.doc, database: this.database });
this.setComponent('#dashboard-content', ReactComponents.DocEditorController, {
database: this.database,
isNewDoc: this.isNewDoc,
previousPage: '#/' + Helpers.getPreviousPageForDoc(this.database)
showDesignDoc: function (database, ddoc) {
this.codeEditor(database, '_design/' + ddoc);
duplicateDoc: function (newId) {
var doc = this.doc,
database = this.database;
this.docID = newId;
var that = this;
doc.copy(newId).then(function () {
doc.set({ _id: newId });
that.wasCloned = true;
FauxtonAPI.navigate('/database/' + database.safeID() + '/' + app.utils.safeURLName(newId), { trigger: true });
msg: 'Document has been duplicated.'
}, function (error) {
var errorMsg = 'Could not duplicate document, reason: ' + error.responseText + '.';
msg: errorMsg,
type: 'error'
apiUrl: function () {
return [this.doc.url('apiurl'), this.doc.documentation()];
var NewDocEditorRouteObject = DocEditorRouteObject.extend({
initialize: function (route, masterLayout, options) {
var databaseName = options[0];
this.database = this.database || new Databases.Model({ id: databaseName });
this.doc = new Documents.NewDoc(null, {
database: this.database
this.isNewDoc = true;
crumbs: function () {
var previousPage = Helpers.getPreviousPageForDoc(this.database);
return [
{ type: 'back', link: previousPage },
{ name: 'New Document', link: '#' }
routes: {
'database/:database/new': 'codeEditor'
selectedHeader: 'Databases'
return {
NewDocEditorRouteObject: NewDocEditorRouteObject,
DocEditorRouteObject: DocEditorRouteObject