blob: 6552c56423bd42fc8b9572237e372437fff3ac72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
function (app, FauxtonAPI, Config, Views, CORSComponents, CORSActions, ClusterActions) {
var ConfigDisabledRouteObject = FauxtonAPI.RouteObject.extend({
layout: 'one_pane',
routes: {
'_config': 'checkNodes',
crumbs: [
{ name: 'Config disabled', link: '_config' }
checkNodes: function () {
var ConfigPerNodeRouteObject = FauxtonAPI.RouteObject.extend({
layout: 'with_tabs_sidebar',
roles: ['_admin'],
selectedHeader: 'Config',
crumbs: [
{ name: 'Config', link: '_config' }
apiUrl: function () {
return [this.configs.url(), this.configs.documentation];
routes: {
'_config/:node': 'configForNode',
'_config/:node/cors': 'configCorsForNode'
initialize: function (_a, _b, options) {
var node = options[0];
this.configs = new Config.Collection(null, {node: node});
this.sidebar = this.setView('#sidebar-content', new Views.Tabs({
sidebarItems: [
title: 'Main config',
typeSelect: 'main',
link: '_config/' + node
title: 'CORS',
typeSelect: 'cors',
link: '_config/' + node + '/cors'
configForNode: function () {
this.newSection = this.setView('#right-header', new Views.ConfigHeader({ collection: this.configs }));
this.setView('#dashboard-lower-content', new Views.Table({ collection: this.configs }));
configCorsForNode: function (node) {
this.newSection = this.setComponent('#dashboard-content', CORSComponents.CORSController);
Config.RouteObjects = [ConfigPerNodeRouteObject, ConfigDisabledRouteObject];
return Config;