blob: 5c5b8889a6fd54883576c485ff98b01f2364fc4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
import app from "../../app";
import FauxtonAPI from "../../core/api";
import ReactComponentsActions from "../components/actions";
// sequence info is an array in couchdb2 with two indexes. On couch 1.x, it's just a string / number
const getSeqNum = (val) => {
return _.isArray(val) ? val[1] : val;
const getNewButtonLinks = (databaseName, partitionKey) => {
const addLinks = FauxtonAPI.getExtensions('sidebar:links');
const newUrlPrefix = '#' + FauxtonAPI.urls('databaseBaseURL', 'app', FauxtonAPI.url.encode(databaseName));
let partitionKeyComponent = '';
let partitionKeyQueryParam = '';
if (partitionKey) {
partitionKeyComponent = '/_partition/' + encodeURIComponent(partitionKey);
partitionKeyQueryParam = '?partitionKey=' + encodeURIComponent(partitionKey);
const addNewLinks = addLinks.reduce((menuLinks, link) => {
title: link.title,
url: newUrlPrefix + partitionKeyComponent + '/' + link.url,
icon: 'fonticon-plus-circled'
return menuLinks;
}, [{
title: 'New Doc',
url: newUrlPrefix + '/_new' + partitionKeyQueryParam,
icon: 'fonticon-plus-circled'
}, {
title: 'New View',
url: newUrlPrefix + partitionKeyComponent + '/new_view',
icon: 'fonticon-plus-circled'
}, getMangoLink(databaseName, partitionKey)]);
return [{
title: 'Add New',
links: addNewLinks
const getMangoLink = (databaseName, partitionKey) => {
const newUrlPrefix = '#' + FauxtonAPI.urls('databaseBaseURL', 'app', FauxtonAPI.url.encode(databaseName)) +
(partitionKey ? '/_partition/' + encodeURIComponent(partitionKey) : '');
return {
title: app.i18n.en_US['new-mango-index'],
url: newUrlPrefix + '/_index',
icon: 'fonticon-plus-circled'
const parseJSON = (str) => {
return JSON.parse('"' + str + '"'); // this ensures newlines are converted
const getModifyDatabaseLinks = (databaseName) => {
return [{
title: 'Replicate Database',
icon: 'fonticon-replicate',
url: FauxtonAPI.urls('replication', 'app', databaseName)
}, {
title: 'Delete',
icon: 'fonticon-trash',
onClick: () => {ReactComponentsActions.showDeleteDatabaseModal({showDeleteModal: true, dbId: databaseName});}
const truncateDoc = (docString, maxRows) => {
let lines = docString.split('\n');
let isTruncated = false;
if (lines.length > maxRows) {
isTruncated = true;
lines = lines.slice(0, maxRows);
docString = lines.join('\n');
return {
isTruncated: isTruncated,
content: docString
const getNewDocUrl = (databaseName, partitionKey) => {
const safeDatabaseName = encodeURIComponent(databaseName);
let url = FauxtonAPI.urls('new', 'newDocument', safeDatabaseName);
if (partitionKey) {
url = url + '?partitionKey=' + encodeURIComponent(partitionKey);
return url;
const selectedViewContainsReduceFunction = (designDocs, selectedNavItem) => {
if (!selectedNavItem) {
return false;
let showReduce = false;
// If a map/reduce view is selected, check if view contains reduce field
if (designDocs && isViewSelected(selectedNavItem)) {
const ddocID = '_design/' + selectedNavItem.designDocName;
const ddoc = designDocs.find(ddoc => ddoc._id === ddocID);
showReduce = ddoc !== undefined && ddoc.views
&& ddoc.views[selectedNavItem.indexName] !== undefined
&& ddoc.views[selectedNavItem.indexName].reduce !== undefined;
return showReduce;
const selectedItemIsPartitionedView = (designDocs, selectedNavItem, isDbPartitioned) => {
if (!selectedNavItem) {
return false;
let isPartitioned = false;
if (designDocs && isViewSelected(selectedNavItem)) {
const ddocID = '_design/' + selectedNavItem.designDocName;
const ddoc = designDocs.find(ddoc => ddoc._id === ddocID);
if (ddoc) {
isPartitioned = isDDocPartitioned(ddoc, isDbPartitioned);
return isPartitioned;
const isViewSelected = (selectedNavItem) => {
return (selectedNavItem.navItem === 'designDoc'
&& selectedNavItem.designDocSection === 'Views'
&& selectedNavItem.indexName);
const isDDocPartitioned = (ddoc, isDbPartitioned) => {
// By default a design doc is partitioned if the database is partitioned
let isDDocPartitioned = isDbPartitioned;
// Check if ddoc is explictly set to not partitioned
if (isDbPartitioned && ddoc.options && ddoc.options.partitioned === false) {
isDDocPartitioned = false;
return isDDocPartitioned;
export default {