blob: 99bdf560d13622e2ac8d89f11049871e21d4659f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
var newDatabaseName = 'fauxton-selenium-tests-db-create';
var invalidDatabaseName = 'fauxton-selenium-tests-#####';
var helpers = require('../../../../../test/nightwatch_tests/helpers/helpers.js');
module.exports = {
before: function (client, done) {
const nano = helpers.getNanoInstance(client.globals.test_settings.db_url);
nano.db.destroy(newDatabaseName).then(() => {
}).catch(() => {
after: function (client, done) {
const nano = helpers.getNanoInstance(client.globals.test_settings.db_url);
nano.db.destroy(newDatabaseName).then(() => {
}).catch(() => {
console.warn(`Could not delete ${newDatabaseName} db`);
'Creates a Database' : function (client) {
var waitTime = client.globals.maxWaitTime,
baseUrl = client.globals.test_settings.launch_url;
.checkForDatabaseDeleted(newDatabaseName, waitTime)
// ensure the page has fully loaded
.waitForElementPresent('.databases.table', waitTime, false)
.waitForElementVisible('#js-new-database-name', waitTime, false)
.setValue('#js-new-database-name', [newDatabaseName])
.clickWhenVisible('#js-create-database', waitTime, false)
.waitForElementNotPresent('.new-database-tray', waitTime, false)
.checkForDatabaseCreated(newDatabaseName, waitTime)
.url(baseUrl + '/_all_dbs')
.waitForElementVisible('html', waitTime, false)
.getText('html', function (result) {
var data = result.value,
createdDatabaseIsPresent = data.indexOf(newDatabaseName);
this.verify.ok(createdDatabaseIsPresent > 0,
'Checking if new database shows up in _all_dbs.');
'Creates a Database with invalid name' : function (client) {
var waitTime = client.globals.maxWaitTime,
baseUrl = client.globals.test_settings.launch_url;
.checkForDatabaseDeleted(invalidDatabaseName, waitTime)
// ensure the page has fully loaded
.waitForElementPresent('.databases.table', waitTime, false)
.waitForElementVisible('#js-new-database-name', waitTime, false)
.setValue('#js-new-database-name', [invalidDatabaseName])
.clickWhenVisible('#js-create-database', waitTime, false)
.waitForElementVisible('.global-notification.alert.alert-error', waitTime, false)
.url(baseUrl + '/_all_dbs')
.waitForElementVisible('html', waitTime, false)
.getText('html', function (result) {
var data = result.value,
createdDatabaseIsPresent = data.indexOf(invalidDatabaseName);
this.verify.ok(createdDatabaseIsPresent === -1,
'Checking if new database shows up in _all_dbs.');