blob: 8fde21e6c0de9ec6734d186ec8539804799624a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
module.exports = {
'Edits a design doc - renames index': function (client) {
var waitTime = client.globals.maxWaitTime,
newDatabaseName = client.globals.testDatabaseName,
baseUrl = client.options.launch_url;
.url(baseUrl + '/#/database/' + newDatabaseName + '/_design/testdesigndoc/_view/stubview/edit')
.waitForElementPresent('.index-cancel-link', waitTime, true)
.waitForElementNotPresent('.loading-lines', waitTime, true)
.waitForElementVisible('#index-name', waitTime, true)
.waitForElementPresent('.faux-header__doc-header-title', waitTime, false)
.getText('.faux-header__doc-header-title', function (result) {
const headerContent = result && result.value;
const regExp = new RegExp(newDatabaseName);
`expected header text to contain '${newDatabaseName}' and found '${headerContent}'`
.waitForAttribute('#index-name', 'value', function (val) {
return val === 'stubview';
.setValue('#index-name', 'hasenindex5000')
// confirm the new index name is present
.waitForElementVisible('#testdesigndoc_hasenindex5000', waitTime, false)
'Edits a design doc': function (client) {
/*jshint multistr: true */
var waitTime = client.globals.maxWaitTime,
newDatabaseName = client.globals.testDatabaseName,
baseUrl = client.options.launch_url;
var viewUrl = newDatabaseName + '/_design/testdesigndoc/_view/stubview?limit=6&reduce=false';
.url(baseUrl + '/#/database/' + newDatabaseName + '/_design/testdesigndoc/_view/stubview/edit')
.waitForElementPresent('.index-cancel-link', waitTime, true)
.waitForElementNotPresent('.loading-lines', waitTime, true)
.waitForElementVisible('#index-name', waitTime, true)
.waitForElementPresent('.faux-header__doc-header-title', waitTime, false)
.getText('.faux-header__doc-header-title', function (result) {
const headerContent = result && result.value;
const regExp = new RegExp(newDatabaseName);
`expected header text to contain '${newDatabaseName}' and found '${headerContent}'`
.waitForAttribute('#index-name', 'value', function (val) {
return val === 'stubview';
var editor = ace.edit("map-function");\
editor.getSession().setValue("function (doc) { emit(\'hasehase6000\', 1); }");\
.checkForStringPresent(viewUrl, 'hasehase6000')
.url(baseUrl + '/#/database/' + newDatabaseName + '/_design/testdesigndoc/_view/stubview')
.waitForElementNotPresent('.loading-lines', waitTime, false)
.waitForElementVisible('.prettyprint', waitTime, false)
.waitForElementPresent('.faux-header__doc-header-title', waitTime, false)
.getText('.faux-header__doc-header-title', function (result) {
const headerContent = result && result.value;
const regExp = new RegExp(newDatabaseName);
`expected header text to contain '${newDatabaseName}' and found '${headerContent}'`
.getText('#doc-list', function (result) {
const textContent = result && result.value;
`expected doc list to contain 'hasehase6000'`
'Edits two design docs to confirm Map Editor correct on second': function (client) {
/*jshint multistr: true */
var waitTime = client.globals.maxWaitTime,
newDatabaseName = client.globals.testDatabaseName,
baseUrl = client.options.launch_url;
// create the first view
.url(baseUrl + '/#/database/' + newDatabaseName + '/_all_docs')
.clickWhenVisible('.faux-header__doc-header-dropdown-itemwrapper a[href*="new_view"]')
.waitForElementNotPresent('.loading-lines', waitTime, true)
.waitForElementPresent('.faux-header__doc-header-title', waitTime, false)
.getText('.faux-header__doc-header-title', function (result) {
const headerContent = result && result.value;
const regExp = new RegExp(newDatabaseName);
`expected header text to contain '${newDatabaseName}' and found '${headerContent}'`
.waitForElementVisible('#new-ddoc', waitTime, false)
.setValue('#new-ddoc', 'view1-name')
.setValue('#index-name', 'view1')
.keys(['\uE013', '\uE013', '\uE013', '\uE013', '\uE013', '\uE006'])
var editor = ace.edit("map-function");\
editor.getSession().setValue("function (doc) { emit(doc._id, 100); }");\
// create the second view
.url(baseUrl + '/#/database/' + newDatabaseName + '/_all_docs')
.clickWhenVisible('.faux-header__doc-header-dropdown-itemwrapper a[href*="new_view"]')
.waitForElementPresent('.index-cancel-link', waitTime, false)
.waitForElementVisible('#new-ddoc', waitTime, false)
.waitForElementNotPresent('.loading-lines', waitTime, true)
.waitForElementPresent('.faux-header__doc-header-title', waitTime, false)
.getText('.faux-header__doc-header-title', function (result) {
const headerContent = result && result.value;
const regExp = new RegExp(newDatabaseName);
`expected header text to contain '${newDatabaseName}' and found '${headerContent}'`
.setValue('#new-ddoc', 'view2-name')
.setValue('#index-name', 'view2')
.keys(['\uE013', '\uE013', '\uE013', '\uE013', '\uE006'])
var editor = ace.edit("map-function");\
editor.getSession().setValue("function (doc) { emit(doc._id, 200); }");\
// now redirect back to first view and confirm the fields are all populated properly
.url(baseUrl + '/#/database/' + newDatabaseName + '/_design/view1-name/_view/view1/edit')
.waitForElementNotPresent('.loading-lines', waitTime, true)
.waitForElementVisible('#save-view', waitTime, false)
.waitForElementPresent('.faux-header__doc-header-title', waitTime, false)
.getText('.faux-header__doc-header-title', function (result) {
const headerContent = result && result.value;
const regExp = new RegExp(newDatabaseName);
`expected header text to contain '${newDatabaseName}' and found '${headerContent}'`
.execute(function () {
var editor = window.ace.edit("map-function");
return editor.getSession().getValue();
}, [], function (resp) {
this.assert.equal(resp.value, 'function (doc) { emit(doc._id, 100); }');
'Editing a view and putting it into a new design doc removes it from the old design doc': function (client) {
var waitTime = client.globals.maxWaitTime,
newDatabaseName = client.globals.testDatabaseName,
baseUrl = client.options.launch_url;
.url(baseUrl + '/#/database/' + newDatabaseName + '/_design/testdesigndoc/_view/stubview')
.waitForElementPresent('.prettyprint', waitTime, false)
// confirm the sidebar shows the testdesigndoc design doc
.waitForElementVisible('#design-doc-menu-testdesigndoc', waitTime, true)
.waitForElementPresent('.faux-header__doc-header-title', waitTime, false)
.getText('.faux-header__doc-header-title', function (result) {
const headerContent = result && result.value;
const regExp = new RegExp(newDatabaseName);
`expected header text to contain '${newDatabaseName}' and found '${headerContent}'`
// now edit the view and move it into a brand new design doc
.url(baseUrl + '/#/database/' + newDatabaseName + '/_design/testdesigndoc/_view/stubview/edit')
.waitForElementPresent('.faux-header__doc-header-title', waitTime, false)
.getText('.faux-header__doc-header-title', function (result) {
const headerContent = result && result.value;
const regExp = new RegExp(newDatabaseName);
`expected header text to contain '${newDatabaseName}' and found '${headerContent}'`
.waitForElementPresent('.index-cancel-link', waitTime, true)
.waitForElementVisible('.styled-select select', waitTime, true)
.waitForElementNotPresent('.loading-lines', waitTime, true)
.setValue('.styled-select select', 'new-doc')
// needed to get React to update + show the new design doc field
.waitForElementPresent('#new-ddoc', waitTime, true)
.setValue('#new-ddoc', 'brand-new-ddoc')
// now wait for the old design doc to be gone, and the new one to have shown up
.waitForElementNotPresent('#testdesigndoc', waitTime, true)
.waitForElementPresent('#design-doc-menu-brand-new-ddoc', waitTime, true)