blob: e633c78e08c965eb0e8665c97f8176fd633d4c40 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
import ActionTypes from './actiontypes';
import FauxtonAPI from '../../core/api';
import Resources from './resources';
export default {
fetchAndEditConfig (node) {
FauxtonAPI.dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.LOADING_CONFIG });
var configModel = new Resources.ConfigModel({ node });
configModel.fetch().then(() => this.editSections({ sections: configModel.get('sections'), node }));
editSections (options) {
FauxtonAPI.dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.EDIT_CONFIG, options });
editOption (options) {
FauxtonAPI.dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.EDIT_OPTION, options });
cancelEdit (options) {
FauxtonAPI.dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.CANCEL_EDIT, options });
saveOption (node, options) {
FauxtonAPI.dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.SAVING_OPTION, options });
var modelAttrs = options;
modelAttrs.node = node;
var optionModel = new Resources.OptionModel(modelAttrs);
() => this.optionSaveSuccess(options),
xhr => this.optionSaveFailure(options, JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).reason)
optionSaveSuccess (options) {
FauxtonAPI.dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.OPTION_SAVE_SUCCESS, options });
msg: `Option ${options.optionName} saved`,
type: 'success'
optionSaveFailure (options, error) {
FauxtonAPI.dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.OPTION_SAVE_FAILURE, options });
msg: `Option save failed: ${error}`,
type: 'error'
addOption (node, options) {
FauxtonAPI.dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.ADDING_OPTION });
var modelAttrs = options;
modelAttrs.node = node;
var optionModel = new Resources.OptionModel(modelAttrs);
() => this.optionAddSuccess(options),
xhr => this.optionAddFailure(options, JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).reason)
optionAddSuccess (options) {
FauxtonAPI.dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.OPTION_ADD_SUCCESS, options });
msg: `Option ${options.optionName} added`,
type: 'success'
optionAddFailure (options, error) {
FauxtonAPI.dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.OPTION_ADD_FAILURE, options });
msg: `Option add failed: ${error}`,
type: 'error'
deleteOption (node, options) {
FauxtonAPI.dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.DELETING_OPTION, options });
var modelAttrs = options;
modelAttrs.node = node;
var optionModel = new Resources.OptionModel(modelAttrs);
return optionModel.destroy()
.then(() => this.optionDeleteSuccess(options))
.catch((err) => this.optionDeleteFailure(options, err.message));
optionDeleteSuccess (options) {
FauxtonAPI.dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.OPTION_DELETE_SUCCESS, options });
msg: `Option ${options.optionName} deleted`,
type: 'success'
optionDeleteFailure (options, error) {
FauxtonAPI.dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.OPTION_DELETE_FAILURE, options });
msg: `Option delete failed: ${error}`,
type: 'error'