Revert "Merge remote-tracking branch 'banjiewen/stale-stable-update'"

This reverts commit 508122c52731a9eac3e83f8d727f2355f019fe1f, reversing
changes made to d68a00fdeba9113bd1a3dd41d8e546b05bb2e533.
1 file changed
tree: fee4c8b9511468f008ba8d7f33d7d2d1133130ec
  1. include/
  2. priv/
  3. src/
  4. .travis.yml
  7. rebar.config


Fabric is a collection of proxy functions for CouchDB operations in a cluster. These functions are used in CouchDB as the remote procedure endpoints on each of the cluster nodes.

For example, creating a database is a straightforward task in CouchDB 1.x, but for a clustered CouchDB, each node that will store a shard for the database needs to receive and execute a fabric function. The node handling the request also needs to compile the results from each of the nodes and respond accordingly to the client.

Fabric is used in conjunction with ‘Rexi’ which is also an application within CouchDB.

Getting Started

Fabric requires R13B03 or higher and can be built with rebar.


Apache 2.0