blob: d12aa0c84800647092e6a0f9005c451c073a4ed3 [file] [log] [blame]
{[fabric, worker, timeouts], [
{type, counter},
{desc, <<"number of worker timeouts">>}
{[fabric, open_shard, timeouts], [
{type, counter},
{desc, <<"number of open shard timeouts">>}
{[fabric, read_repairs, success], [
{type, counter},
{desc, <<"number of successful read repair operations">>}
{[fabric, read_repairs, failure], [
{type, counter},
{desc, <<"number of failed read repair operations">>}
{[fabric, doc_update, errors], [
{type, counter},
{desc, <<"number of document update errors">>}
{[fabric, doc_update, mismatched_errors], [
{type, counter},
{desc, <<"number of document update errors with multiple error types">>}
{[fabric, doc_update, write_quorum_errors], [
{type, counter},
{desc, <<"number of write quorum errors">>}