Enable CI using GitHub Actions

This patch sets up a simple GH Action configuration to build and unit
test erlfdb on Windows and Linux. We could get a lot fancier here; my
initial goal was simply to avoid regressions in x-platform support.

I'm using a handful of third-party actions to make this setup work:

- https://github.com/erlef/setup-beam
- https://github.com/ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd
- https://github.com/mxschmitt/action-tmate

ASF policy prohibits the direct use of third-party Actions because it's
not possible to code review each chamnge to them. Importing them as a
submodule pins the action to a specific commit and is the accepted
workaround at this time.
6 files changed
tree: bf591ba7d72487207cf8f195ba34f832787584b5
  1. .github/
  2. c_src/
  3. include/
  4. notes/
  5. plugins/
  6. priv/
  7. src/
  8. test/
  9. .asf.yaml
  10. .gitignore
  11. .gitmodules
  14. Makefile
  15. README.md
  16. rebar.config
  17. rebar.lock
  18. win32_external_fdbserver.config

An Erlang Binding to FoundationDB


This project is a NIF wrapper for the FoundationDB C API. Documentation on the main API can be found here.

This project also provides a conforming implementation of the Tuple and Directory layers.


Assuming you have installed the FoundationDB C API library, building erlfdb is as simple as:

$ make

Alternatively, adding erlfdb as a rebar dependency should Just Work ®.

Documentation for installing FoundationDB can be found here for macOS or here for Linux.

Quick Example

A simple example showing how to open a database and read and write keys:

Eshell V9.3.3.6 (abort with ^G) 1> Db = erlfdb:open(<<"/usr/local/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster">>). {erlfdb_database,#Ref<0.2859661758.3941466120.85406>} 2> ok = erlfdb:set(Db, <<"foo">>, <<"bar">>). ok 3> erlfdb:get(Db, <<"foo">>). <<"bar">> 4> erlfdb:get(Db, <<"bar">>). not_found

Binding Tester

FoundationDB has a custom binding tester that can be used to test whether changes have broken compatibility. See the BINDING_TESTER documentation for instructions on building and running that system.