Allow storing a pre-hashed admin password

When duplicating a couch, it is difficult to copy the _config/admins/*
values. Storing the encoded value does not work because that value is
re-hashed when stored. (Your password is the literal string

This change will store any config setting unmodified if ?raw=true is
in the query string.

Updating _config/admins/* already requires admin privileges, so there is
no change to the security.
diff --git a/src/configuring.rst b/src/configuring.rst
index 4b8bb11..8d3e704 100644
--- a/src/configuring.rst
+++ b/src/configuring.rst
@@ -240,6 +240,32 @@
             "architect": "-pbkdf2-43ecbd256a70a3a2f7de40d2374b6c3002918834,921a12f74df0c1052b3e562a23cd227f,10000"
+If you already have a salted, encrypted password string (for example,
+from an old ``local.ini`` file, or from a different CouchDB server), then
+you can store the "raw" encrypted string, without having CouchDB doubly
+encrypt it.
+.. code-block:: bash
+    shell> PUT /_config/admins/architect?raw=true HTTP/1.1
+        Accept: application/json
+        Content-Type: application/json
+        Content-Length: 89
+        Host: localhost:5984
+        "-pbkdf2-43ecbd256a70a3a2f7de40d2374b6c3002918834,921a12f74df0c1052b3e562a23cd227f,10000"
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+        Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+        Content-Length: 89
+        Content-Type: application/json
+        Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 11:39:18 GMT
+        Server: CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B02)
+.. code-block:: json
+        "-pbkdf2-43ecbd256a70a3a2f7de40d2374b6c3002918834,921a12f74df0c1052b3e562a23cd227f,10000"
 Further details are available in ``security_``, including configuring the
 work factor for ``PBKDF2``, and the algorithm itself at
 `PBKDF2 (RFC-2898) <>`_.