Increase EUnit test stability

 * couchdb_1283 : suspend compaction process to reduce chance of
   race condition between it finishing and Writer3 process opening
   a database handle. Writer3 should fail because compactor should
   be keeping its handle.  (@Kxepal, thanks for the idea!)

 * In couchdb_1309, when waiting for view cleanup, test once,
   if fails due to race condition, wait a second and try again.

 * Increase wait time to wait for compactor to stabilize runs on
 slower machines.

1 file changed
tree: b3f4fe7110245b43102324a8292f8d8fd501f3c1
  1. include/
  2. priv/
  3. src/
  4. test/
  5. .gitignore
  6. .travis.yml
  8. rebar.config.script