Improve design document validation

Jira: COUCHDB-2818

Validates top level values:

  - These should be object: "options", "filters", "lists",
    "shows", "updates", "views"

  - "rewrites" is an array

  - "language" and "validate_doc_update" are strings

Values in "filters", "lists", "shows", "updates" should be strings.
They are mappings from function names to function contents.

Values in "options" can be anything (currently there are 2 boolean
options, but they are not checked specifically).

Views are special:

  - "lib" is special: its value will be an object that
    contains mapping to different libraries. The contents of
    that object is not validated.

  - If any other object has "map" or "reduce" value, it should
    be a string.

Also try to produce helpful messages for user so they know where
the problem is.

Some examples of responses:

$ http -phb PUT $DB1/db2/_design/des1 views:='{"v1":"nope"}'
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    "error": "invalid_design_doc", "reason": "View v1 must be an object"

$ http -phb PUT $DB1/db2/_design/des1 lists:='{"l1":true}'
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    "error": "invalid_design_doc", "reason": "`l1` in lists is not a string"

$ http -phb PUT $DB1/db2/_design/des1 views:='{"v1": {"map":1}}'
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    "error": "invalid_design_doc", "reason": "`map` in v1 must be a string"
2 files changed
tree: a6a11e27379b22567863cc6a408df6f18810eecd
  1. include/
  2. priv/
  3. src/
  4. test/
  5. .travis.yml