tree: 6f28169a4a5cab2ccf9cb7f38567aebf8c1d911e [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. test/
  3. .gitignore
  6. rebar.config

What it is

couch_epi is extensible plugin interface (EPI) for couchdb.


  1. Automatically discoverable
  2. Minimize apps that need to be started for tests
  3. Support release upgrades


  • service - an abstract functionality defined by unique name and API
  • provider - a self-contained implementation of Service's API
  • subscriber - an application or a process which uses functionality provided by Provider
  • epi_key - is a routing key it has to be in on of the following forms
    • {service_id :: atom(), key :: term()} - for couch_epi_data_source
    • service_id :: atom() - for couch_epi_functions
  • handle - is opaque data structure returned from couch_epi:get_handle(EpiKey)

Support release upgrade

We monitor the modules involved in configuration of the service/provider so we get notified when there is a code upgrade. We use this notification in order to:

  • regenerate dispatch module if needed
  • call notify/3 of a module implementing couch_epi_plugin behaviour

Call to notify/3 would be called for both providers and data_providers.

data example

Any application that wants to register some configuration data for a service using module could add an entry in its implementation of couch_epi_plugin behaviour:

data_providers() ->
        {{couch_stats, descriptions},
            {priv_file, "stats_descriptions.cfg"}, [{interval, 5000}]}
        {{couch_stats, descriptions},
            {file, "/tmp/extra_stats.cfg"}, [{interval, 5000}]},
        {{couch_stats, descriptions}, {module, my_stats}}

When service provider wants to learn about all the installed config data for it to use it would then just do something like:

 couch_epi:get(Handle, Service, Key)

The service provider also have to mention the data keys it is using in its implementation of couch_epi_plugin behaviour

data_subscriptions() ->
    [{couch_stats, descriptions}].

There are also additional functions to get the same data in various formats

  • couch_epi:all(Handle) - returns config data for all services for a given handle
  • couch_epi:get(Handle, Subscriber) - returns config data for a given subscriber
  • couch_epi:get_value(Handle, Subscriber, Key) - returns config data for a given subscriber and key
  • couch_epi:by_key(Handle, Key) - returns config data for a given key
  • couch_epi:by_key(Handle) - returns config data grouped by key
  • couch_epi:by_source(Handle) - returns config data grouped by source (subscriber)
  • couch_epi:keys(Handle) - returns list of configured keys
  • couch_epi:subscribers(Handle) - return list of known subscribers

Function dispatch example

Any application that wants to register implementation functions for a service could add following into it's implementation of couch_epi_plugin behaviour:

providers() ->
    [{my_service, module_which_implements_the_functions}].

Adding the entry would generate a dispatch methods for any exported function of modules passed.

Services have to be defined in one of the implementations of couch_epi_plugin behaviour as:

services() ->
    [{my_service, module_to_monitor_for_codechange}].

When app wants to dispatch the call to all service providers it calls

couch_epi:apply(Handle, ServiceId, Function, Args, Opts)

There are multiple ways of doing the apply which is controlled by Opts

  • ignore_errors - the call is wrapped into try/catch
  • concurrent - spawn a new process for every service provider
  • pipe - use output of one service provider as an input for the next one


  • concurrent is incompatible with pipe

couch_epi_plugin behaviour

The module implementing behaviour need to export following functions:

  • Module:app/0 - Returns atom representing the application name
  • Module:providers/0 - Returns list of {service_id(), module()} tuples for defined providers
  • Module:services/0 - Returns list of {service_id(), module()} tuples for defined services
  • Module:data_subscriptions/0 - Returns list of keys we define
  • Module:data_providers/0 - Returns list of keys we provide
  • Module:processes/0 - Supervisor specs which we would be injected into application supervisor
  • Module:notify/3 - Notification callback