Implement is_sensitive/2 using configurable application env

If it exists, consult a file to configure application env. If
`sensitive` env key is found therein, use it to determine which values
to redact from log entries. The value of the `sensitive` key should be
a dict of the form:
    Section1 => [Field1, Field2, ...],
    Section2 => all
where `Section`s are strings that define sections which contain
sensitive fields, and `Field`s are strings. The atom `all` indicates
all fields for that section are sensitive. A typical configuration
might look like:
    "admins" => all,
    "replicator" => ["password"]
meaning that all values in the `[admins]` section, and the `password`
value in the `[replicator]` section will be redacted from the logs.
2 files changed
tree: 03060e3ffe7b82efae2b033ad3819fb8f6615ead
  1. src/
  2. test/
  3. .travis.yml
  5. rebar.config