tree: 436224083211d4915f51759f0203ec38ba1dc6e8 [path history] [tgz]
  1. bin/
  2. dockerfiles/
  3. files/
  4. .dockerignore
  5. .gitignore
  6. .travis.yml

CouchDB Continuous Integration (CI) support repo

The main purpose of this repository is to provide a number of Docker containers, Ansible roles/tasks and other configuration functionality so that the ASF Jenkins CI server ( is capable of building (and eventually packaging) CouchDB for a number of platforms. It intends to cover a range of both operating systems (Linux, macOS, BSD, Windows) and Erlang versions (17.x, 18.x, 19.x, etc.)

The current configuration builds CouchDB, Fauxton, its documentation, and runs the Erlang and JS test suites for each combination of OS and Erlang revision.

Supported Configurations (updated 2018-05-19)

OS / distroVersionErlang Version

CouchDB's CI build philosophy is to use Travis (with kerl) to validate CouchDB against different Erlang versions, and to use Jenkins to validate CouchDB against different OSes and architectures. Where possible, Jenkins also auto-builds convenience binaries or packages.


For those OSes that support Docker, we run builds inside of Docker containers. These containers are built using the command at the root level.

Separate targets exist to build a compatible SpiderMonkey 1.8.5 package for each Linux target release.

Building a container

./ platform <distro>-<version>

Valid distro and version values come from the table above.

Building the special Debian Jessie 17.5.3 image

ERLANGVERSION=17.5.3 ./ platform debian-jessie

Publishing a container

  1. You need a Docker Cloud account with access to the couchdbdev organization. Ask the CouchDB PMC for assistance with this.
  2. export DOCKER_ID_USER="username"
  3. docker login and enter your password.
  4. ./ publish <distro>-<version> just as above.

Useful things you can do

Full options

Recognized commands:
  clean <plat>		Removes all images for <plat>.
  clean-all		Cleans all images for all platforms.
  base <plat>		Builds the base (no JS/Erlang) image for <plat>.
  base-all		Builds all base (no JS/Erlang) images.
  js			Builds the JS packages for <plat>.
  js-all		Builds the JS packages for all platforms.
  js-no-rebuild		Builds the JS packages for <plat> without rebuilding
                	the base image first.
  js-all-no-rebuild	Same as above, with the same condition.
  js-upload <plat>	Uploads the JS packages for <plat> to bintray.
			Requires BINTRAY_USER and BINTRAY_API_KEY env vars.
  platform <plat>	Builds the image for <plat> with Erlang & JS support.
  platform-all		Builds all images with Erlang and JS support.
  platform-upload	Uploads the couchdbdev/* images to Docker Hub.
			Requires appropriate credentials.
  platform-upload-all	Uploads all the couchdbdev/* images to Docker Hub.
  couch <plat>		Builds and tests CouchDB for <plat>.
  couch-all		Builds and tests CouchDB on all platforms.
  couch-pkg <plat>	Builds CouchDB packages for <plat>.
  couch-pkg-all		Builds CouchDB packages for all platforms.

Interactively working in a built container

After building the image as above:

docker run -it couchdbdev/<tag>

where <tag> is of the format <distro>-<version>-<type>, such as debian-stretch-erlang-19.3.6.

Running the CouchDB build in a published container

./ couch <distro>-<version>

Building SpiderMonkey 1.8.5 convenience packages

The Linux docker containers are also used to build suitable SpiderMonkey 1.8.5 binary packages.

./ js <distro>-<version>

To build packages for all supported platforms:

./ js-all

Adding support for a new release/platform

  1. Copy and customize an appropriate Dockerfile in the dockerfiles directory.
  2. Build a base image using ./ base <distro>-<version>. Solve any problems with the build process here.
  3. Build the JS packages using ./ js <distro>-<version>. Again, fix any problems that arise.
  4. Publish the new JS packages with ./ js-upload <distro>-<version>.
  5. Build the full platform image with ./ platform <distro>-<version>.
  6. Publish the new image with ./ platform-upload <distro>-<version>.
  7. Be sure to add the new platform to Apache CouchDB's Jenkinsfile.
  8. Push any changes to this repo, or to couchdb-pkg, out for review and merging.

Other platforms

We are eager for contributions to enhance the build scripts to support setting up machines with the necessary build environment for:

  • FreeBSD
  • NetBSD
  • OpenBSD
  • macOS
  • Windows x64

as well as alternative architectures for the already supported image types (arm, ppc64le, s390x, sparc, etc).

We know that Docker won't support most of these, but we should be able to at least expand the install scripts for all of these platforms (save Win x64).

