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Channel #plugins (6 messages)

Fri, 11 Nov 2022 10:13:28 GMT

@jesper says

Is there a way to handle backwards compatibility for Splash Screen when targeting Android 12? Or should it just work out of the box?

Fri, 11 Nov 2022 13:44:32 GMT

@norman137 says

Not really.

Regardless if you target Android 12, on Android 12 and later you get the Android‘s new splashscreen system. Android’s universal splashscreen does not support all the same features as what Cordova had in the past via the splashscreen plugin.

Fri, 11 Nov 2022 13:50:39 GMT

@norman137 says

Or if you‘re talking about the new splashscreen being supported on older android devices, Cordova-android@11 includes a compatibility library provided by Android which will effectively bring the new android splashscreen system to older API levels. There’s a couple caveats with it (it doesn't always work in simulators & and the branding feature is not supported by that compatibility library.

Fri, 11 Nov 2022 16:23:19 GMT

@jesper says

Thanks for the reply. It didn’t work at first… but … suddenly it did. I feel like using bandaid on a wound, and hoping everything is ok 😄

Fri, 11 Nov 2022 16:24:55 GMT

@jesper says

I had issue with blinking using animated vector… but i saw you just used a .png file, which didn’t blink for me, so that will do for now. I did notice the splash screen did not show the first time i opened the app… might have been a fluke.

Fri, 11 Nov 2022 16:26:27 GMT

@jesper says

I didn’t try out the branding text in the bottom yet - did not think it worked yet… but it does for Android 12? Cool.