Cordova Slack Digest

Fri, 11 Nov 2022 08:22:15 GMT

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Channel #general (1 messages)

Thu, 10 Nov 2022 12:50:21 GMT

@texnikos says

Hello again. Long time to find a problem but yet again last days i face a similar problem that the debug.apk can be installed and the release.apk cant be installed on android mobiles and i dont know how to fix it cause there is no fatal errors just the classic warnings about Mapping new ns to old ns but i had that warnings many months now. What i ask is if anyone has any idea what to look, is there maby a js problem on my scripts or can it be something else ? And a second question, since i dont use google services to give my .apk file to the users (its free downloadable from a website), can i use the debug and would be wrong if use this one instead of the release one? Thank you in advance for any help about it. The only thing that i noticed from my previous version which was running fine and as a release.apk is that inside the MANIFEST.MF it has only 3 lines of code instead of the SHA-1 Digest of the assets and is missing the 2 files .RSA and .SF of the application inside the META-INF folder. Any ideas where this may come from ?