Cordova Slack Digest

Thu, 15 Sep 2022 08:22:50 GMT

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Channel #cordova-android (5 messages)

Wed, 14 Sep 2022 13:32:56 GMT

@yunus.simsek says

I need to publish a Cordova app targeting Android 12 on Google Play. I added the "android:exported="true"" field to all the plugin.xml documents in my project. I don't have a problem now. But is there a way to manage this in config.xml?```

Wed, 14 Sep 2022 13:47:05 GMT

@norman137 says


All applications and libraries that contains activities needs to explicitly declare android:exported.

Cordova has done so for the activities it manages in it‘s own application and plugins, but for third-party plugins, they will need to be updated by the maintainers or forked if the maintainers are unwilling or unable to update their packages. If the third-party plugin contains prebuilt android archives (AAR files), they may also need to provide an updated AAR file that contains the explicitly declare android:exported field. This is something we can’t control at the Cordova level.

Wed, 14 Sep 2022 13:52:12 GMT

@yunus.simsek says

Thanks for the answer. So do I overwhelm plugin.xml with config.xml?

Wed, 14 Sep 2022 14:09:25 GMT

@norman137 says

If you have to, because the plugin maintainers have stopped maintaining their plugin, I would fork their repository and make the necessarily changes to plugin.xml, then you can install your fork from git.

This is of course assuming that they are using a permissive license to do so.

Thu, 15 Sep 2022 08:02:04 GMT

@lukas says

Does someone know a simple plugin for local notifications? seems not to be maintained anymore and it is not working anymore when targeting Android 12.

Channel #plugins (1 messages)

Wed, 14 Sep 2022 09:40:09 GMT

@jcesarmobile says

If you have updated Xcode to 14, make sure you open it once or git won't work