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Channel #cordova-ios (1 messages)

Fri, 29 Jul 2022 21:05:33 GMT

@mattdsteele says

Hi folks, I'm running into issues trying to use a <|plugin that has a Cocoapods dependency>, from a corporate environment where our Pods are delivered via a JFrog Artifactory proxy (the public Cocoapods repo is blocked by our corporate firewall).

To use the JFrog Cocoapods server, you're supposed to modify your Podfile to include a plugin definition, <|as defined here>:

My problem: I'm seeing is that when the `&lt;podspec&gt;`  runs for a plugin, the `Podfile` gets created, and Cordova immediately performs `pod install`. This fails, because I haven't updated the `Podfile` to include the plugin above, and it times out trying to hit the public registry.

Any thoughts? I don't see an easy way to work around this. Ideally there'd be an option in `cordova-ios` that lets me defer the `pod install` , or another option in `podspec` to let me add plugins to the `Podfile`, but without a change like this, I'm stuck.