Cordova Slack Digest

Sat, 28 May 2022 08:21:51 GMT

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Channel #cordova-android (3 messages)

Fri, 27 May 2022 12:43:35 GMT

@texnikos says

Hello again. Does anyone knows if there is any way i could use a specific version of gradle without letting it update or getting online the latest version while building a cordova android app ?

Fri, 27 May 2022 18:07:58 GMT

@norman137 says

Cordova android is suppose to use whatever the installed gradle version is to install the “wrapper” which is a pinned gradle version of what that cordova-android version supports.

Sat, 28 May 2022 05:55:29 GMT

@g.asci says

  • How do we whitelist http (localhost) on Android 10? I see that the plugin is not supported anymore?
  • Besides, is anyone using this package: I having issues while running cordova-x-serve with new versions of cordova-ios and cordova-android. Isn’t live reloading supported anymore?