Cordova Slack Digest

Sat, 21 May 2022 08:21:42 GMT

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Channel #general (2 messages)

Fri, 20 May 2022 23:40:51 GMT

@info460 says

Hello, one general queation please about GPS location and geofencing.

I am.using High Accuracy GPS location request in the appto determine if its in the radius of specific location. By Google developer pages is little bit strange image (the actual numbers seems to quite high by me) What is by your experience smallest reliable geofence radius to be used with High Accuracy GPS?

Fri, 20 May 2022 23:46:21 GMT

@norman137 says

Those accuracy readings are pretty on par with what I see in my GPS heavy apps.

I don't use geofencing though, but on good healthy connections with high accuracy enabled, you can see up to a 5m accuracy reading. On unhealthy connections, I generally see anywheres between 30-50m accuracy readings.

The accuracy reading is a measurement, it has a 95% confidence that the true point is within accuracy meters radius of the given point. So in otherwords, if the accuracy reading is 5m, 95% chance that the user's real location is within 5m distance of the given point.

Channel #cordova-android (1 messages)

Fri, 20 May 2022 23:52:39 GMT

@ucheozoemena says

Hi folks is anyone seeing a slight pause when the app splashscreen is removed using the fadeout animation? It‘s like the animation gets stuck briefly when it’s only half complete and the transparency isn't full.