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Channel #cordova-ios (1 messages)

Mon, 11 Apr 2022 17:53:35 GMT

@joel says

Hey, hoping to get some help with build target and Cocoapods. We are targeting iOS 13, using the build-target preference. This is fine.

We‘re trying to update a plugin to a more recent version that has dropped support for iOS 11 and 12, but can’t due to Cocoapod errors when adding the plugin: “Specs satisfying the Intercom (~> 11.0.0) dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.” Cocoapods seems to be referencing a different build target (11.0) then what we have specified.

I noticed the Podfile had the target 11.0. I've tried using a hook to correct the target specified in the Podfile, as referenced here: but still get the error.

In the ios project, I can see that the deployment target is set correctly in the main project. It is set to 11.0 in the Cordova project, and is set to various targets in the Pods project.

Can anyone shed light on what Cocoapods is referencing as the minimum deployment target?

Cocoapods v1.11.2 Cordova iOS v6.2.0