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Channel #cordova-ios (1 messages)

Sat, 05 Feb 2022 19:30:01 GMT

@kriserickson says

Does anyone know of any working iOS version of the openwith plugin?

The first one I tried was the original that all seemed to be based off of: ( - wasn't really updated in 2 years and definitely does not install cleanly without a lot manual work - after messing with it a lot I can get it to compile but cannot get the app to be added to the Share List.

The cordova-plugin-openwith-ios ( was the next one I tried, and got a bit farther with it - it allows the app to show up in the share menu but when you click on share nothing appears to happen (the ShareExtension code never appears to get hit in XCode).

I‘ve noticed a lot of other “share” apps in npm - and started trying to install them one-by-one in the original demo app ( but the first couple I tried all had differnt installation errors (“from Cannot find module ‘elementtree’” to “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘toLowerCase’)”) and since they all require variables and cordova still seems to be unable to automatically remove plugins with variables I have had no luck getting them to compile (frequenlty they do not copy the ShareExtension into the project so XCode can’t compile any more) but because I am manually removing the plugin each time (remove from plugins directory, remove entries from fetch.json, ios.json, android.json, config.xml and package.json and then remove and re-add the platform) I am not certain if everything is 100% clean.

I am much more comfortable in Android and am uncertain how to debug cordova-plugin-openwith-ios lack of sending anything to the plugin after share item is selected and was just wondering if anyone has dealt with any succesful openwith plugins on iOS recently (a fews years ago this just worked with the original plugin - but so much has changed in the iOS world recently).