Cordova Slack Digest

Sun, 23 Jan 2022 08:20:56 GMT

User count: 4685

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Channel #cordova-ios (2 messages)

Sat, 22 Jan 2022 10:01:19 GMT

@ucheozoemena says

Does anyone have experience using <|ios webkit debug proxy> for dev tools on linux (ubuntu specifically)? Or with the recent <|Inspect tool> that replaced the old remote ios proxy for chrome?

Sat, 22 Jan 2022 11:02:51 GMT

@ucheozoemena says

Is there a way to set|UIScrollView.KeyboardDismissMode in order to get the behavior where you swipe down to dismiss the keyboard?

Channel #plugins (1 messages)

Sun, 23 Jan 2022 01:19:55 GMT

@ucheozoemena says

Has anyone published an ios app to the app store using this plugin It creates multiple ios build targets and cordova doesn't seem to play nicely with that.