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Channel #cordova-ios (2 messages)

Thu, 23 Sep 2021 10:26:58 GMT

@n.linnemann says

Hello there, I have a problem with events on iOS using cordova. Namely, that the blur event is not triggered. The cordova application is built using VueJS. The focus event and input event and so on is triggered, but not the blur event.

Is there some configuration or whatever I have to add?

Thu, 23 Sep 2021 23:47:05 GMT

@mathewp.94 says

I did some across one issue.

I was calling up some native permission dialogs, one after the other, using cordova.plugins.diagnostic and cordova-plugin-idfa and the second dialog stopped showing for iOS 15.

I guess previously the dialogs were kind of ‘queued up’ but there no longer are.

So after waiting for the first dialog to close (as I was before) I have set an additional timeout of 500ms which seems to do the trick and allow the second dialog to show correctly.