Cordova Slack Digest

Wed, 22 Sep 2021 08:21:07 GMT

User count: 4624

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Channel #general (15 messages)

Tue, 21 Sep 2021 10:22:26 GMT

@g.papez says

Well.. signing with pfx isn’t working as expected on windows.

Tue, 21 Sep 2021 10:23:13 GMT

@g.papez says

   no certificates with ExtKeyUsageCodeSigning  
Cannot extract publisher name from code signing certificate. As workaround, set win.publisherName. Error: Error: C:\Users\ci-windows\Downloads\demos\ionic-v5\node_modules\app-builder-bin\win\x64\app-builder.exe exited with code ERR_ELECTRON_BUILDER_CANNOT_EXECUTE
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Users\ci-windows\Downloads\demos\ionic-v5\node_modules\builder-util\src\util.ts:249:14)
    at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:520:26)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:400:28)
    at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1055:16)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:288:5)```

Tue, 21 Sep 2021 10:24:09 GMT

@g.papez says

And, when updating the package.json with build > win > publisherName

Tue, 21 Sep 2021 10:24:45 GMT

@g.papez says

It doesn’t work either, because, it looks cordova overwrites or doesn’t use this part at all.

Tue, 21 Sep 2021 13:02:30 GMT

@norman137 says

I really don‘t have much experience in the electron area, let alone windows but pkcs12: unknown digest algorithm: 2.16.840. kinda hints to me that perhaps an version of openssl is instlalled that doesn’t support the required encryption algorithm.

Tue, 21 Sep 2021 13:41:33 GMT

@tomkinson says

Anyone know how to capture a perf trace from app init incl the device ready and splash screen in dev tools?

By the time the APK comes up to inspect in browser using adb, the app has begun if not finished, initializing. Too late to capture stuff.

Why; We are trying to capture the performance Trace incl splash screen. We initialize a lot and on mapAll first use we have to wait 10 seconds for reverse geo code and process to map markers. Not sure why as after that in future no delays ever even w reverse geo code.


Tue, 21 Sep 2021 14:14:32 GMT

@norman137 says

If you're trying to audit the javascript side, you can use ctrl/cmd+r while the inspector is focused to reload the webview. Also using chrome audit tools which also reloads the webview can help performance audit app loading. But none of these will include the splashscreen, as that occurs in the native side before the webview is even created. This would basically only include the time it takes to load the webview html and initialize plugins (e.g. the time between document load and deviceready event), etc.

If you wanted to include splashscreen, you‘d need to use the Android Studio native tools, abeit I’m not that familiar with the tooling available, I do know it has some performance audit tools. I'm also making an assumption that you can launch the app with profiling attached so that you can audit from native app launch to whenever. This would be required so that you can audit before the webview is created. Cordova has an existing android project located at <cordova-project>/platforms/android that can be opened with Android Studio.

Tue, 21 Sep 2021 14:15:41 GMT

@norman137 says

You're looking for this little gauge icon to “Profile” the app, for profiling the native side.

Tue, 21 Sep 2021 14:32:08 GMT

@tomkinson says

Thanks @norman137 as usual you're awesome. Will give it a go.

Tue, 21 Sep 2021 20:59:11 GMT

@erikyuzwa says

a weird issue - running ios@5.1.2.x and am unable to see my webview without the use of the cordova-plugin-ionic-webview plugin. Not using ionic at all in my codebase. I've tried removing the plugin, removing / readding the ios platform but the cordova startup routine just hangs. The startup makes it past the Apache Cordova native platform version 5.1.1 is starting. but then hangs soon after handleopenurlany ideas / things to look at? 🙇‍♂️🏼

Tue, 21 Sep 2021 21:27:28 GMT

@norman137 says

Not sure what you mean by running ios@5.1.2.x... cordova-ios@5.1.1 is the most recent version of the 5.x major. Is there any reason why you‘re not running 6.x? cordova-ios@5.1.1 has some nasty hacks to get around the UIWebView deprecation stuff. If possible I’d at least attempt to run 6.x. FWIW, I use the ionic webview as well, just the webview, not their entire framework with cordova-ios@6 with no issues. (But I was running that setup with cordova-ios@5.1.1 as well)

Tue, 21 Sep 2021 21:30:43 GMT

@erikyuzwa says

there‘s ONE single plugin that I just can’t get working on 6 otherwise I would - cordova-plugin-file-downloader - mainly because of it‘s unzip capabilities which I can’t figure out how to migrate / update.

Tue, 21 Sep 2021 21:32:06 GMT

@norman137 says


Tue, 21 Sep 2021 21:40:58 GMT

@norman137 says

Yah I‘m not sure, iOS isn’t really in my field of expertise. I'd recommend creating a sample project and slowly start adding plugins and see if you can get a simple reproduction app going... and if you can, then that would be helpful to share.

Wed, 22 Sep 2021 05:20:14 GMT

@bipuldevit09 says

I am facing issue with Cordova Inappbrowser plug-in in iOS. All the 302 redirects are resulting in duplicate requests been sent to the server. Has anyone faced this issue before? It’s not happening in WKWebView but as our projects migration process in QA stage we won’t be able to go live soon.

Channel #cordova-ios (1 messages)

Tue, 21 Sep 2021 20:59:17 GMT

@erikyuzwa says

@erikyuzwa has left the channel