Cordova Slack Digest

Mon, 20 Sep 2021 08:21:04 GMT

User count: 4622

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Channel #general (1 messages)

Mon, 20 Sep 2021 05:30:43 GMT

@g.papez says

Good morning. I’m having issues signing (windows appx or msi) when building electron app for windows.

Following the documentation (, cert file and password should be enough. However, I’m getting the error

   no certificates with ExtKeyUsageCodeSigning  
  - signing         file=platforms\electron\build\MyApp 0.0.1.msi certificateFile=cert.pfx 
Cannot extract publisher name from code signing certificate. As workaround, set win.publisherName. ```
So I’ve did just that - I’ve appended next part to the package.json:
  build: {
    win: {
      publisherName: "exact as it is in certificate"
And am still getting the exact same error. Can someone help me out here?