Cordova Slack Digest

Thu, 15 Jul 2021 08:22:42 GMT

User count: 4553

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Channel #general (15 messages)

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 10:46:57 GMT

@prashant.aggarwal says

Hi, I am new for Cordova.. i have to create a plugin for iOS . Can you guys please help me here..

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 12:40:52 GMT

@norman137 says

The starting point is probably here:

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 20:47:58 GMT

@tomkinson says

I have posted on this prior but anyone willing to reach out to Slack <> that has admin privilege here just to ask the true cost of unlocking the archives or msgs past 10k. Has to be an admin. I am willing to contribute a meaningful amount to that cause, to then store and index for fast searching and reference which we will also do for the whole of the Cordova community. First we need to see what Slack will charge for that by having an admin email in and ask (mention the| channel name).

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 20:49:21 GMT

@dpogue says

The cost is roughly $7 USD per user per month

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 20:49:58 GMT

@tomkinson says

They have a complex classification on what counts as an active user though. An email they'll give the true tally.

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 20:50:23 GMT

@tomkinson says

Many are defunt/defined as inactive (thousands)

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 20:50:48 GMT

@dpogue says

No, those count as users

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 20:50:48 GMT

@tomkinson says

So the cost should be much less that $7x4466

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 20:50:55 GMT

@tomkinson says

They told me they do not

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 20:52:45 GMT

@tomkinson says

Would be open to just sending that email and asking with the channel name? He'll give a total cost.

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 20:56:24 GMT

@tomkinson says

Unless this room removes inactive accounts but not sure why it would. She said just active accounts will cost (inside a 30 day period) and that a group can buy it for one month, unlock all msgs, and then not pay the month after. So it mostly is determined on how many of the 4466 are deemed active to know the cost to do this.

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 20:56:39 GMT

@tomkinson says

Which they can do for us but an admin has to ask

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 20:59:31 GMT

@tomkinson says

My guess is less than a fifth are ‘active’

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 21:00:35 GMT

@tomkinson says

Thu, 15 Jul 2021 04:50:50 GMT

@info460 says

what a pricing model lol