Cordova Slack Digest

Tue, 13 Jul 2021 08:20:54 GMT

User count: 4551

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Channel #general (2 messages)

Mon, 12 Jul 2021 12:10:21 GMT

@norman137 says

First time I saw an actual report, but the App Store policies does state that if you have an app too similar to other already existing apps, they'll reject it.

Mon, 12 Jul 2021 12:11:28 GMT

@norman137 says

> Also avoid piling on to a category that is already saturated; the App Store has enough fart, burp, flashlight, fortune telling, dating, drinking games, and Kama Sutra apps, etc. already. We will reject these apps unless they provide a unique, high-quality experience.

Channel #cordova-ios (1 messages)

Tue, 13 Jul 2021 05:30:55 GMT

@info.vishalgohil says

Hello, I’m developing the app in IONIC5 for IOS, My client have requirement for sharing option, like from File Manager I want to share PDF into my IONIC app and then I have to store that file on server. Anybody has idea how to do that or is there any package for IOS IONIC5?

Thanks 🙂

Channel #cordova-android (1 messages)

Mon, 12 Jul 2021 16:10:29 GMT

@info460 says

Hi everybody, I have a problem with EventListener click in my app. For some reason its very sensitive resulting in occasional doubleclick. Being quite newbie in JS I like to ask what will be the best approach to deal with the issue? thank you

Channel #plugins (1 messages)

Tue, 13 Jul 2021 05:30:50 GMT

@info.vishalgohil says

Hello, I’m developing the app in IONIC5 for IOS, My client have requirement for sharing option, like from File Manager I want to share PDF into my IONIC app and then I have to store that file on server. Anybody has idea how to do that or is there any package for IOS IONIC5?

Thanks 🙂