Cordova Slack Digest

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 08:22:38 GMT

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Channel #cordova-android (4 messages)

Mon, 21 Jun 2021 17:29:43 GMT

@ucheozoemena says

Hi folks, is it possible to set the opacity of the Android web view itself, perhaps via a <preference> element in the config.xml, or via a plugin? I’m using the ionic-webview plugin but the docs don’t indicate that such a thing is possible.

Mon, 21 Jun 2021 18:58:07 GMT

@marchjigtala says

Hello, I don’t know exactly what I did, but all of a sudden I got into this problem after i ran the “cordova prepare”

Mon, 21 Jun 2021 19:04:57 GMT

@norman137 says

your system path is missing the android build tools, or you don't have build tools installed from the android sdk

Mon, 21 Jun 2021 23:24:29 GMT

@info460 says

Hello everybody, I like to ask one more question. My app ask for permission to use Location but if I click yes it will not turn on the Location, so I have to enable the Location manualy, after that its workin. I like to ask if its possible with Cordova to have popup dialog which will not only give permission to the app to use Location but also turn the Location on on the phone. As for example Google.maps app use. thank you