Cordova Slack Digest

Fri, 04 Jun 2021 08:53:04 GMT

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Channel #general (2 messages)

Thu, 03 Jun 2021 09:17:27 GMT

@khatridevk says

Great to hear this. But, this configuration, specially for iOS, can done at the iPad settings level by switching to settings ->camera -> format -> Most compatible.

Is there any plugin that would let me upload heic images as it is ?

Thu, 03 Jun 2021 20:48:14 GMT

@dkohlruss says

Hey there everybody -- I wonder if anybody has dealt with an issue that just happened to me with debugging an iOS cordova app.

I (randomly?) have managed to break debugging my cordova Apps built for iOS within Safari on a Mac. Whether running on a physical device or emulator, using CLI or Xcode to build/run, I am experiencing the same thing. I seemed to come on along with an update to my iPad to iOS version 14. I assumed the issue was my Xcode & MacOS version, but updating from XCode 11.5 to 12.5 (and MacOS from Catalina to Big Sur) have not resolved the issue.

I am able to see and connect to the iPad or Emulator via Safari's web inspector, but I do not see any output in the 3 tabs that still show up: console, sources, and audit. I tried using the Chrome debugger instead, and while HTTP requests show up, all console statements are hidden/filtered out in a way that I cannot bypass (so, console statements add to the count of hidden statements in the console in Chrome, but I cannot actually access them by changing filters). When I build/run via XCode, the debugger statements do show up in the XCode logs, but that is a lot less convenient than Safari.

Has anybody else run into this issue? I'm the second person on my team who has run into this problem, and the first person seemed to only be able to resolve the issue with a completely fresh Mac

Channel #cordova-ios (1 messages)

Fri, 04 Jun 2021 06:18:29 GMT

@enric.sencanales says

Hello. The user of our App can't login since May 24, and I am trying to debug to investigate the problem but when I tried to run our App in simulator I will get the white screen of death after the splash and I get this error NSURLConnection finished with error - code -1100. Does anyone have an idea about this? It is much appreciated. Thank you.

Channel #plugins (1 messages)

Thu, 03 Jun 2021 23:37:54 GMT

@patrick662 says

Camera plugin question! Because the pictures sizes are so big on Android and iPhone, I would reduce the image quality to reduce the size so that I can quickly upload. With the Samsung S21, the camera creates a HUGE IMAGE when you take a picture and then I turn around and reduce the quality but it isn‘t enough because the sucker is SO BIG. Any suggestions? I’m looking for a new approach to handle these large images and then uploading to my server.