Cordova Slack Digest

Sat, 22 May 2021 08:22:55 GMT

User count: 4492

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Channel #cordova-ios (3 messages)

Fri, 21 May 2021 11:19:07 GMT

@aparat555 says


Fri, 21 May 2021 11:19:27 GMT

@aparat555 says

help me please to add OneSignal to my app

Fri, 21 May 2021 22:31:26 GMT

@patrick662 says

I upgraded to ios6.2 and did a build and am getting the following error. Anyone have any suggestions?

Channel #cordova-android (3 messages)

Fri, 21 May 2021 10:19:51 GMT

@jose.gomez says

Hi, usually the app works on any android phone without problem, but in a Oppo Reno 3 Pro im always getting this error: “the connection to the server was unsuccessful. (file ///android_asset/www/index.html)”

I had tried:

And the best what i can get with this changes is app run sometimes in the Oppo Reno 3 Pro and sometimes it dosent work.

There is any real solution for this?

Sat, 22 May 2021 03:37:04 GMT

@abhishekkumar619z says

Hi, I am trying to open file chooser dialog by clicking on the file input from JS. But it doesn't do anything. After I checked the console I found the error “File chooser dialog can only be shown with a user activation.” Is there a way around it?

Sat, 22 May 2021 05:29:53 GMT

@abhishekkumar619z says

It seems I can open the file chooser if I run the same function in console. But it won‘t open when I write it in app’s source code.