Cordova Slack Digest

Fri, 21 May 2021 08:22:59 GMT

User count: 4488

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Channel #cordova-ios (1 messages)

Thu, 20 May 2021 10:45:42 GMT

@lkvh says

Is there a more up-to-date version of (or alternative to ) globules-io/ios-xhr? Seems that every other launch I still get CORS exceptions

Channel #cordova-android (1 messages)

Thu, 20 May 2021 11:00:36 GMT

@chadwick.blackford says

is it possible to have a different error state on cordova-plugin-camera native “back” button click and any other possible exceptions? I try to find a ways to not show an error banner if user click on back button..

OK, found… but…. what the progress in Mai?