Cordova Slack Digest

Sun, 18 Apr 2021 08:22:56 GMT

User count: 4450

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Channel #general (1 messages)

Sat, 17 Apr 2021 15:07:48 GMT

@jking6884 says

Hi. I am new to Cordova. I am in the process of converting an Ember web app over to a Cordova app. I have is set up and running, but I am running into something strange with the viewport size. I am running it locally on a physical device (Samsung Galaxy). For some reason, the screen size is being determined to be 1080px which is definitely larger than my device, so there is a left-to-right scroll that is happening.

Channel #jobs (1 messages)

Sat, 17 Apr 2021 15:55:51 GMT

@reza says

Hi all, I want to share a project I’ve been working on to help you in your job search. It is a tool to help you optimize your resume so you can get more interviews.

It identifies ways to improve your resume so you get past resume Applicant Tracking Systems, reach more recruiters and land more interviews. It’s completely free to use and I would love to hear your feedback! Please check it out:|