Cordova Slack Digest

Thu, 15 Apr 2021 08:23:04 GMT

User count: 4447

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Channel #general (4 messages)

Wed, 14 Apr 2021 14:08:46 GMT

@antonio.acuna says

Anyone can recommend a plugin to manage Push Notifications with Firebase? I’m using OneSignal SDK for Cordova on iOS, but in Android OneSignal was rejected because Child Apps Policy.

Wed, 14 Apr 2021 14:18:36 GMT

@norman137 says

What part of OneSignal SDK violates the Child Apps Policy? You should be able to use OneSignal (or any other push notification) provided that the app handles parental consent and permissions properly.,or%20other%20contact%20information%20to

Thu, 15 Apr 2021 07:09:50 GMT

@chris.khong says

Hi guys, I’m working on the PR|#215 for the issue|#210, for the media-capture plugin regarding Android 11 Storage updates. Currently I am trying to use androidx.core.content.FileProviderinstead of the old version it will be deprecated soon. Anyone has an idea how I can enable AndroidX from media-capture plugin configuration, travis was complaining that I need to enable AndroidX in I can do that if I used|cordova-plugin-androidx-adapter, but that way the media-capture plugin will be dependent on another plugin, which should not be a preferable way.

Thu, 15 Apr 2021 07:10:12 GMT

@chris.khong says

Channel #cordova-ios (1 messages)

Wed, 14 Apr 2021 15:40:48 GMT

@mattwenner1 says

I’ve been running into an odd issue recently. When I run my app in Xcode simulator or a physical device with the app downloaded from TestFlight I am getting the appropriate. However when using the app downloaded from the app store, I am getting the wrong behavior. Basically I am trying to hide something on iPhones and iPads. Any thoughts?

return !(/iPhone|iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent));